Aloha maui


Via: Flickr Title: Aloha maui By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 4 Mar ’06, 7.44pm PST

View from our hotel room at the Maui Prince, where we spent the last two days of our vacation.

Interesting property. It’s currently enmeshed in some kind of ownership brou-ha-ha between heirs of the Seibu family, and the Seibu corporation. It was designed to cater to Japanese visitors to Hawaii, but the clientele is now pretty much like that of any large beach/golf resort on Maui. The grounds were pretty, the beach is nice, and we ran short of time and didn’t have a chance to snorkel there. We had been there on a previous trip to the public shoreline access end of the beach, where we watched a bride being photographed get stung by a bumblebee right on her lip. This time, no pre-nup disasters disturbed our stay.

We used the Jaccuzzi but the pools were curiously unappealing. Couldn’t really swim in them, and they looked crowded if only 4 people were using them.

Nice place, the atrium courtyard is one of the most dramatic and beatuiful on Maui, but I tend to feel they kind of coast on that prestige a little.

Arctic Monkeys: Whatever People Say I Am, Thats What I’m Not

Whatever People Say I Am Thats What I Am Not

Here’s another CD I’ve really been enjoying, but under For My Ears Only. This is because it’s a rough, raw, almost cheekily punkish rock sound, and David’s CD collectioin runs more to James Taylor and Kenny G. Me, I may be middle-aged, but musically I’m in denial. 😉

The first thing you hear on this CD is that the singer doesn’t give a crap about singing in “Received English” – he’s a Yorkshire lad, they’re all Yorkshire lads, and they’re not having any of that elitist crrrap about singing like a BBC advert for the latest beer or ringtone or whatever. The lyrics are razor-sharp and cut so fine, you have no idea you’re being sneered at (they don’ t much care for wine-drinking Yuppies, nor scary looking coppers).

The lead singer’s not the only asset this band has – guitar work is good to great, with lots of different little stylish hooks and good stuff stolen from the best. Drums-bass combo basalt rock solid, with hints here and there that they’ve listened to a lot of different kinds of rock, pop, and even a little exotica or jazz somewhere.

“Kickass” is probably the best adjective for the Arctic Monkeys’ “Whatever People Say I Am That’s What I’m Not.” I’m looking for an interesting next few CDs from these blokes – there’s so many different directions they could go, because unlike a lot of young, raw bands, they’ve already got the chops – lyrically, musically, stylistically, rhythmically.

It almost makes me wish I could strap on some Dragon Skin body armor and go catch them in a club appearance. I’m sure I’d need it for my elderly, easily bruised body, because I’m a little long in the tooth for the mosh pit… but that’s where I’d want to be to listen to these guys play live.

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Enya: Amarantine

I admit it, I enjoy listening to Enya sing. Some of her music is special to me, but a lot of it can be too much of a new-agey muchness.

Currently, I’m listening to a CD I picked up on a whim called Amarantine. We’ve been listening to this CD in the car the last few days, and today’s the first I’ve had a chance to rip it to iTunes and really listen attentively, rather than dividing my attention between half-heard melodies and watching the road roll by with David. I absolutely loved the song she did for the Return of the King, I have that on iTunes already. So I bought this CD, and found that although she doesn’t have “Into the West” on it, she does have several songs in a fictional language, complete with lyrics written with a fictional alphabet.

Well, it ain’t Elvish, but that doesn’t matter so much – I like listening to her sing in Gaelic and don’t know what the hell she’s saying there, either.

In the album art, she’s still working the waifish look with the richly-colored gowns that look like she’s been dancing and has only just this second settled into repose. They fall into these beautifully flowing folds and billows, you see. Voice is still good.

Not many of the songs are standouts, however. It’s pleasant enough stuff, but I suspect I’ll begin pulling some of them off of iTunes after a few listens. A couple of them are keepers, but if this album had been the one she brought out all those years ago, she wouldn’t have broken out the way she did.

iTunes: Enya: Sumiregusa: Amarantine [4:42]

Ecto 1.8.8 for Windows Off Edge of Desktop: EASY FIX

I had a couple of days of head-scratching, then rising panic. I’ve been using a registered copy of ecto for Windows and had found this thread on their support forum that seemed to address the problem.

So I duly followed the instructions, which were a little bit scary – basically, I had to edit a config file. Great, fine, but it didn’t fix the problem.

I mentioned it to the Geek in Residence, my husband David. And he mentioned that a couple of other programs exhibit the same annoying behavior, and then with a click or two, there was ecto.

Here were the steps:

Start ecto. It “runs” in the task bar, and appears to be minimized, However, no amount of right or left clicking will bring it up or open it. However, it actually IS open and is somewhere off the edge of the screen.

Right-click. Then select “Move.” Then press either the right or left arrow key until hey presto, the ecto window marches across the top or bottom of your screen. In this case, David held down the right arrow key, because the ecto window was far off to the upper left. Hurray! a week and a half’s worth of suspended drafts is still there!

I hadn’t really lost any posts, but I might have lost them if I’d followed the advice in the support forum. One of the suggestions was to completely delete the ecto folder and do a clean re-install. Uh, no.

I registered for the forum, but haven’t received the email yet with my confirmation key, so I can’t log in yet to mention this simple and non-invasive fix.

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No, I’m Not

There’s a classic Monty Python sketch about the death of Mary, Queen of Scots. On the LP I used to listen to in college (remember vinyl) the sound effects indicated a lively beating with caterwauling, and then someone whispers “I think she’s dead, then.”

To which Mary replies “No, I’m not” and the whack-whack bang-bang caterwauling begins again.

NO, I’m not dead. I’ve just been sorta… busy. 😀

Also, haven’t had a chance to use the Internets for a couple of days. More on that later.

Let The Spin Begin

Democrats Want Independent Katrina Probe – Yahoo! News

The videotape captured a briefing, one day before Katrina stuck on Aug. 29, involving then-
Federal Emergency Management Agency head Michael Brown, President Bush, Homeland Security Secretary
Michael Chertoff and other officials. Brown and others warned that the storm could breach levees, endanger lives in the New Orleans Superdome and overwhelm rescuers.

Five days after the briefing, with most of New Orleans underwater, Bush said, “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.”

White House and Homeland Security officials urged the public not to read too much into the video footage.

Right. Right. Right. I’ll just trust that you have my best interests at heart, and that the government of this country can be trusted.


It’s true that the somewhat sketchy worst-case predictions of Katrina’s wrath aren’t as “BUSH LIED” as the initial reports seem to make it, but it’s clear that the “President” offered only platitudes and prayer to state officials.

He was “on message” even then. Is there a ring-pull at the back of his neck?