Tornadoes and Presidents and Fog, Oh My – Baseball-sized hail smashes Oklahoma – Mar 9, 2006


Oh, yeah. There’s a severe weather warning for much of the Southeast, plus Air Force One’s passenger is screwing up air traffic for the world’s busiest airport, and here in Chicago, the second busiest, we’ve got heavy fog and really poor visibility.

Just got off the line with a lady affected by some kind of flight cancellation – probably related to the weather, but she was supposed to go via Atlanta, and that’s all messed up. So she gets to spend the night in a hotel I reserved for her, and tomorrow she’ll go by way of Cincinnati because Atlanta will probably be snarled up much of tomorrow, too.

Bush Visiting ATL Today, Expect Major Delays – News 4 Georgia – President Bush Visits Atlanta Today

Just heard from a client of mine, who I think of as a loveable PITA, that Bush is visiting Atlanta today for about 2 hours, and that he’d heard the highways would be closed or at least jammed.

It’s for a political fundraiser – $1000.00 a plate. You can bet that’s the real reason he’s flying around the Gulf Coast area this week “inspecting recovery efforts” – pressing the flesh for his faithful (but increasingly fractious) minions.

Geek Rivalries

Oh, boy! Time to infect (or re-re-reinfect ) my husband David with The Geek Rivalries Meme!

Star Trek or Babylon 5?
Tough one. Very tough. Although Trek informs a lot of my SF psycho-DNA, B5 never betrayed my trust by making me shell out the ducats to watch Drek VII: Teh Resurrection Wot Shunt’a Been. My mind says B5, my heart longs for chest-thumping Kirk and cerebral Spock.
In the end, I have to say Trek. I miss not having it to watch (and occasionally, mock) on TV anymore. Because Enterprise, the most recent entry, was just starting to pick up serious Trek mojo at the end.

Windows or Linux?
Windows. David will disagree.

Windows or Macintosh?
Phht! Windows. Steve will counter with promises of better integration with my iPod in an attempt to convert me to the White Side.

Farscape or Stargate?
Another toughie. We were watching Farscape when Stargate was on, but now I’d rather watch Stargate rather than that last, disappointing Farscape “movie.” And besides which, we sorta got Crichton and Aeryn back with Ben Browder’s Col. Mitchell and Claudia Black’s Vala, so hands down, Stargate. Bonus: Atlantis is definitely beguiling me with the mix of characters and bold new direction. Plus, it’s damn funny, if you listen closely to all the throwaway lines. McKay’s “And THAT’s what happens when you back a SCIENTIST into a CORNER!!!” superhero hissy-fit belongs to the ages.

Linux or BSD?
Huh? Honey? I think this is yours.

Intel or AMD?
Umm, I think Intel, but here at Chez Gique, things are frequently not as they appear to be (watching TV via laptop, etc.)

Star Trek or Star Wars?
Hmm. I mentioned betrayal before. Which franchise… has betrayed me the least? Sucked less? Been consistently… what’s that word, “better?” Hmm. I loves me some big flashy special effects, but George Lucas really screwed up a good thing but good. Still, we went to see every new installment eventually. I’d still say Trek, Voyager (and V’ger) notwithstanding.

Firefox or Internet Explorer?
This one’s a big “duh!” Firefox.

Firefox or Opera?
Um, that’s a Mac thing, right? I don’t do Mac except for iPod. 😉

WordPress or Movable Type?
Oh, snap! This one’s going to start a fight. Movable Type, hands down. My husband David says MT’s full of bad computer juju and blogs with WordPress. Still, he holds his nose and does the needful when I need something upgraded or fixed with my MT version, which is not the latest version because I think some of my older plug-ins would bust wide open.

Marvel or DC?
Ah. Well, I was more of a Donald Duck fan, originally. Read my share of Howard the Duck. Read (and still remember, hazily) some Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Read rather a lot of Mage. Some other indie comix that were locally produced when I lived in Seattle (one of them, as I recall, concerned an Asian guy who got super-powers from espresso). In a plastic bag somewhere, I have several Retief comics by Jan Strnad of Mad Dog. I should really dig those out.

I’d guess Marvel, only because the movies were better. But I loved The Flash TV show… Man, that reminds me, I gotta find that extremely excellent soundtrack by Danny Elfman. I own a cassette, which is like banging two rocks together by today’s standards. Or maybe I should just get the DVD of the series, no? Si.

Okay, okay, Marvel. I like the Spiderman movies WAY better than the Batman or Superman ones. Sorry, purists. Stop wincing already.

Neanderthal or Neandertal?
I gotta disagree with ***Dave on this one: Spell it “Neanderthal,” pronounce it “Nay-ander-tall” unless I’m talking to someone like my mom, who wouldn’t understand the German pronunciation. She would say “nee-yander-thall.”

Slashdot or Digg?
I’ve at least read a bit at Slashdot. David talks about it a lot.

Anime: Dub or Sub?
Oh, dub. No question. Only because the one anime cartoon that I really, really like, Cowboy Bebop, had really great English voice talent. And for the occasional other shows I watched, the squeaky girl’s voices just make me laugh.

Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew?
Oh, sooooo Dr. Pepper. That’s gonna start another fight, you know. 🙂

via ***Dave :: Geek Rivalries

Geeky Googlers Have More Fun

We’re such geeks. While waiting for the replacement TiVo to arrive. my husband David has Snapstream set up so we’re watching the big TV through his laptop, with the sound coming out of the home theater speakers. And I have Snapstream on my laptop (which is also my main computer) and can watch shows David doesn’t follow, with my headphones on. And vice versa.

So the Alton Brown show about steak was on (it’s a rerun), and I wondered what NECI on his ballcap stood for. Now thanks to Google, I know it stands for New England Culinary Institute, which is where he trained, I think.

Speaking of AB, he’s going to be in Chicago for the Housewares Show at McCormick Center, but it’s noted “trade only” on his “Where’s Alton” webpage. Darn.

He’s done a redesign on the site and I’m missing some things he used to have that I liked. Where’s the Rants? Oh, wait, the last one is still there, hidden in an old directory. Probably not for long, here’s the last message, which I read back in October via Bloglines and still had as a link:

Some of you may have noticed that the “contact” button is gone from my web site and that my rant calling for refrigerator pics is gone. Here’s why: although many of you sent in some really nice pics and insightful, fun emails some of you decided to send vulgar, nasty, frightening messages and images. I always knew there was ugliness and meanness out there but you know what, I don’t have to give you a place to put it. So, the portal is closed and will remain so. If you harvested the address, don’t bother using it because it will simply dump your mail into oblivion.

I’m disappointed, upset, disillusioned, and upgrading my security system. To those who wanted to play nice, I sure am sorry but life’s just too short to drink poison.

Yeah, I’ve been meaning to blog that in case it went away permanently.

Anyway, we enjoyed the rest of the “steak” episode and may even try to cook one the right way. But first we’d need a really well-seasoned, cast iron skillet.

Synergy Brass Quintet and iTunes

Got an email from the Synergy Brass Quintet website folks – it seems this excelling classical musical group is trying to get their music on iTunes, and they’re asking for help from their fans.

So if you like their music, go here and request that iTunes add them.

If you don’t know their music, check it out..″>If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments

iTunes: Synergy Brass Quintet: If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments: Masterworks For Brass From The Baroque And Renaissance [2:17]

Amazing Race 9: My Show Is Back


Due to being in Maui for the premiere, I missed it completely. And then when we got back, TiVo… died on us! So we’re getting a replacement. TiVo. Yep.

In the meantime, David set me up with Snapstream’s BeyondTV, which he was using as a casual backup just to play around with. What with one thing and another, I was finally able to watch the premiere of TAR tonight, a week late. Unlike previous seasons, when I’ve listed all the teams with like/dislike, going on at great length, I’m just going to say “I loves me some nerds, I loves me some hippies, I loves me some fogies, and I even loves me some Pinks, a little.”

I already registered my pre-likes and pre-dislikes anyway. As per usual, some people I didn’t like turned out to be much more fun and interesting to watch. And a few people I liked turned out to be annoying, but a lot fewer this year than… about ever.

I laughed, a lot, during this episode. The exuberance and wacky joy is evident in most of this season’s crop of Racers. Most of them clearly love the show, and all of them are throwing themselves into it. And everyone is much, much nicer than…some of the people in last season’s “Famuhlee Uhdition.”


I was sorry to see John and Scott go out first. John’s fear of flying seemed not to be a factor – he overcame his fears with, yes, flying colors. He was actually quite happy in the helicopter, remarking to Phil later that the view was so amazing, it was much more beautiful than scary. And I was happy for him that he at least had that experience. Too bad they’re out, though, because that leaves the two Frosties in the race… the six-foot sisters.


This team, I’ll be calling Team Much Information, because of all the screaming, all the praying, all the expostulation, and all the peeing of pants OH MAH GAWD! OH MAH GAWD! both of them did. I’m glad Lisa and Joni are happy not to be eliminated, but the screaming was way, way too much for me.

I’ll end up with some love:


I can see that the good folks at who do the fashion report are going to have some fun with the Hipster’s sartorial splendor (all the other teams automatically called them “The Hippies). BJ’s wearing a pink ruffled tuxedo shirt and a very battered straw cowboy had, Tyler had some sort of tie dye thing on, and they’re both wearing these horribly bright headache-inducing red pants. They’re very… furry. They’re a little loud. Tyler pulled the very first clue of the season next to his face and remarked that it was “Fresh!” They both said a few other things that were crackups, but they were a major threat all through the whole leg, so they’re good Racers.


David and Lori are loveable nerds. They know this, they accept this, they embrace this (and each other – frequently). Nerd Love knows no bounds. Nerd Love cannot be denied. Nerd Love conquers all. They’re both quite funny and disheveled and not ready for prime time, and they’re refreshingly normal after all the seasons and seasons of model/actors.


I was horrified when Fran and Barry walked right! Past! The cluebox! In plain sight! TWICE! on the bridge in Sao Paolo. And they chose the wrong Detour, not realizing how putting a bike and a motorbike together are two very different things. But they survived with good humor intact. I was having a flashback to Don and Mary Jean in Berlin and started to hyperventilate, but got over it.


Hey, I thought Dani/Danielle were irritatingly girly. They were calling them Double D on TWOP, and Tyler flat-out asked them “Can we call you Double D?” And the funny thing was, they agreed. Okay, and they’re pretty good racers, although not so good with the Zen of motorcycle maintanance. They’re a little irritatingly self-satisfied, but it’s funny to watch them get into situations where they have to get all icky. And they’re pretty good-natured about it. We’ll see how long that lasts, though.

There were other teams I liked pretty well, but that’s the gist. They all started out in Denver, one of my favorite cities (and one of my favorite airports ever). And they all ended up in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Now, I get to watch the second episode, because it’s all spooled up.

You could say I’m bingeing on TAR right now, and you would be right. I’m also bingeing on these awesome garlic macadamia nuts we brought back from Maui. Mmm, yummy.

Oh, boy, I can’t wait to see what craptastic threads the Hipsters pull out tonight!

UPDATE: Episode 2 was completely satisfactory. It had action, thrills, moonshine, dead Bugs, and RATBOY! Also, the sisters are gone. They overshared again – I did not need to know that one of them had a C-section rather than giving birth the old fashioned way. On the other hand, I was heartened to hear that Fran is a breast cancer survivor. She rocks.

Pretty much only nice, not too irritating people are left, except for that hyper Lake guy, who’s the scariest dentist on TV since Steve Martin in “Little Shop of Horrors.”

It was really hard to keep track of the standings – the Roadblock had people racing up 3 circular stairway fire escapes, then rapelling down in the order they arrived at the roof. The Amazing Subtitles went all color-coordinated to try and keep it straight – “First at Stairway 1, 2nd at Stairway 2, etc., but basically what mattered was when you got down.

Once again, the Pinks were surprisingly gutsy, after an initial almost-balk by Danielle in doing the rapell. Then they had to use rope ascenders to climb an 80 foot waterfall, and they both just jammed up the line. Impressive.

The frat boy team thinks they’re pretty hot, too. Ironically, their team nickname isn’t accurate, because I think they both dropped out of college. So maybe I’ll call them Team Horndog for now.

BJ and Tyler Fashion Report: some sort of paw-print T-shirt. Tyler had a more conventional, but still ugly shirt on. And apparently, his nickname is RATBOY!

Technorati Tags: Amazing Race

Taxi home


Via: Flickr Title: Taxi home By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 5 Mar ’06, 11.43am PST

It doesn’t look like much of anything, but this is the taxi that brought us home this morning. Neither of us slept on the flight(s) back but we’re going to try to stay awake until a decent bedtime. This will be harderr for me than for David, because he’s got an appointment this afternoon that will keep him going for a while afterward.

We’ve both had a fair amount of coffee and we’ll see how long we manage to hold out.

Meanwhile, we have a VERY happy kitty who’s glad to see us and lavishng us with head-butts and paw-pats.



Via: Flickr Title: Scrimshaw By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 5 Mar ’06, 5.28am PST

This was part of an exhibit at San Francisco International that was along the moving walkways in the terminal. Years ago, when I had to go via SFO from Eugene to Salt Lake on trips home from college, I remember seeing exhibits in pretty much the same kind of cases. Some things don’t change. Last night David and I went looking for a sit-down restaurant – our parlance for table service – and I remembered a place called the “Crab Pot.” Well, that wasn’t there, but Yankee Pier was in roughly the same location.And man, what delicious food! Never had such a good meal in an airport restaurant. The waiter was attentive and the service was even gracious. We ate our grilled salmon and crab cake sandwiches, which we split in half and shared so we could enjoy both, and watched people in all their wonderful variety go by.

A young, painfully hip couple, with floppy hats set askew, who looked like they wanted to be noticed for being painfully hip.

A sports team of some sort, European looking, all wearing team shirts (even the coaches).

People who, like us, were in “aloha wear” and were obviously off a flight from Hawaii. They were stopping to pull on extra layers (also like us).

The exhibits were kind of in an intermediate stage – half were apparently about San Francisco’s history (whaling artifacts, bits of nautical tat from the Gold Rush/Barbary Coast days, and half were pickled biological stuff in jars. The guy on the moving sidewalk in front of us was on our incoming flight; he turned around and said it was kind of a weird welcome to San Francisco. I agreed that it was putting me off the idea of food in a big way. Then we went past the scrimshaw case, and I decided I needed to “moblog” it. I kind of have a thing for scrimshaw now.

However, we did end up enjoying our meal, in spite of the pickled-stuff-in-jars welcome.

SFO International Airport: Yankee Pier Restaurant


Via: Flickr Title: Sfo By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 5 Mar ’06, 4.47am PST

If you look closely, you may see that the decoration on the table is a nautical chart of San Francisco Bay. Which makes sense for a seafood restaurant at SFO International.

The food is really good, surprisingly good for airport fare, and not that expensive. They seemed to have a good wine list. The waiter, like so many of our waiters in Maui, was not originally from this country. His service was impeccable. And from the outside, it looks like a pretty ordinary little airport bistro.