• The Life of Riley

    Friday Bad Cat Blogging

    Hmmmm. It appears that I was not keeping the kitty box as clean as I should have. Thank goodness for Nature’s Miracle… excuse me while I do a little laundry. Note to self: Every other day, or every day. Every other day, or every day. Otherwise, don’t leave attractive piles of clothes around. Said cat has been chastised. Bad!! Cat!! Bad!! Naughty!! Although, to be fair, it should be Bad! Monkey! Bad! Naughty!

  • Clan: McTiVo

    Wormhole X-Treme Returns!

    Sci Fi Wire — The News Service of the Sci Fi Channel The 200th episode will bring back the character of Martin Lloyd (Willy Garson) and his fictional TV show Wormhole X-treme, which was the subject of the 100th episode, “Wormhole X-treme,” and is a parody of SG-1 itself. Awesome. They’re even doing a wink and a hat-tip in Serenity’s direction. Look for more inside jokes. My favorite last time out was after the big exciting spaceship crash, where an assistant director and somebody else walk into shot, discussing the near-cataclysm and whether they caught it on film. “That’s OK,…