It’s The War, Stupid

Chicago Tribune | Bush Marks Anniversary, Never Says ‘War’

WASHINGTON — President Bush marked the anniversary of the Iraq war Sunday by touting the efforts to build democracy there and avoiding any mention of the daily violence that rages three years after he ordered an invasion.

The president didn’t utter the word “war.”

“We are implementing a strategy that will lead to victory in Iraq,” the president assured a public that is increasingly skeptical that he has a plan to end the fighting after the deaths of more than 2,300 U.S. troops.

Bullshit, Mr Resident. Mission not accomplished. It’s an illegal war, and you ought to stand accused and answer charges for it. The tissue of lies and cherry-picked “intelligence” that you use as “justification” have mired us in something that we will never be able to shake from our boots, who incidentally are on the ground and dying for you, “sir.” Loyally, courageously, and pointlessly, they are dying and getting maimed for no good reason.

Getting rid of Saddam? Not a good enough reason to go to war, in retrospect. He wasn’t our buddy, but he hadn’t done anything to harm us and it seems clear that he never could have. We attacked without provocation or justification. This is an unjust war, and an illegal war, and just what do you plan to do about it?

Oh, wait, I’ve got this one; you’ll do absolutely nothing, you will not take responsibility for your failures, you will shift blame on to the heads of subordinates and on internecine infighting, and then you’re going to mire us in another illegal war against Iran or North Korea or the Duchy of Grand Fenwick, so you can quietly draw down troops and leave Iraq to fend for itself.

Kind of like you’re doing for Afghanistan, right? Osama bin Who?

That’s all right, we know you’re not the guy to ask questions. That’s why they call you Incurious George.

If it looks like a war, sounds like a war, and kills like a war, then guess what? It’s a war. Happy third anniversary of invasion of Iraq and the beginning of the War In Error.

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