Flickr, GAIM, AIM, Yahoo Messenger

I’ve been sending a few friends and family invites to Flickr, because heck, I want some contacts that I actually know personally, in addition to the interesting but kind of anonymous people I’ve got on my contacts list. I have a few friends and only one family member on there so far… and seeing as I’ve got a great-niece whose probably got a lot of pictures wanting to be looked at, and friends are buying houses and having babies and what not, I should probably be more in the loop.

Here’s my Flickr page: GinnyRED57. I also use the same handle for Gaim, Yahoo, AOL, whatevah. I fell out of the habit of online chat a while back, and have been missing it. So, as long as you’re not a pervy robot spider, open a hailing frequency, why don’tcha?

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