Geek Rivalries

Oh, boy! Time to infect (or re-re-reinfect ) my husband David with The Geek Rivalries Meme!

Star Trek or Babylon 5?
Tough one. Very tough. Although Trek informs a lot of my SF psycho-DNA, B5 never betrayed my trust by making me shell out the ducats to watch Drek VII: Teh Resurrection Wot Shunt’a Been. My mind says B5, my heart longs for chest-thumping Kirk and cerebral Spock.
In the end, I have to say Trek. I miss not having it to watch (and occasionally, mock) on TV anymore. Because Enterprise, the most recent entry, was just starting to pick up serious Trek mojo at the end.

Windows or Linux?
Windows. David will disagree.

Windows or Macintosh?
Phht! Windows. Steve will counter with promises of better integration with my iPod in an attempt to convert me to the White Side.

Farscape or Stargate?
Another toughie. We were watching Farscape when Stargate was on, but now I’d rather watch Stargate rather than that last, disappointing Farscape “movie.” And besides which, we sorta got Crichton and Aeryn back with Ben Browder’s Col. Mitchell and Claudia Black’s Vala, so hands down, Stargate. Bonus: Atlantis is definitely beguiling me with the mix of characters and bold new direction. Plus, it’s damn funny, if you listen closely to all the throwaway lines. McKay’s “And THAT’s what happens when you back a SCIENTIST into a CORNER!!!” superhero hissy-fit belongs to the ages.

Linux or BSD?
Huh? Honey? I think this is yours.

Intel or AMD?
Umm, I think Intel, but here at Chez Gique, things are frequently not as they appear to be (watching TV via laptop, etc.)

Star Trek or Star Wars?
Hmm. I mentioned betrayal before. Which franchise… has betrayed me the least? Sucked less? Been consistently… what’s that word, “better?” Hmm. I loves me some big flashy special effects, but George Lucas really screwed up a good thing but good. Still, we went to see every new installment eventually. I’d still say Trek, Voyager (and V’ger) notwithstanding.

Firefox or Internet Explorer?
This one’s a big “duh!” Firefox.

Firefox or Opera?
Um, that’s a Mac thing, right? I don’t do Mac except for iPod. ๐Ÿ˜‰

WordPress or Movable Type?
Oh, snap! This one’s going to start a fight. Movable Type, hands down. My husband David says MT’s full of bad computer juju and blogs with WordPress. Still, he holds his nose and does the needful when I need something upgraded or fixed with my MT version, which is not the latest version because I think some of my older plug-ins would bust wide open.

Marvel or DC?
Ah. Well, I was more of a Donald Duck fan, originally. Read my share of Howard the Duck. Read (and still remember, hazily) some Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Read rather a lot of Mage. Some other indie comix that were locally produced when I lived in Seattle (one of them, as I recall, concerned an Asian guy who got super-powers from espresso). In a plastic bag somewhere, I have several Retief comics by Jan Strnad of Mad Dog. I should really dig those out.

I’d guess Marvel, only because the movies were better. But I loved The Flash TV show… Man, that reminds me, I gotta find that extremely excellent soundtrack by Danny Elfman. I own a cassette, which is like banging two rocks together by today’s standards. Or maybe I should just get the DVD of the series, no? Si.

Okay, okay, Marvel. I like the Spiderman movies WAY better than the Batman or Superman ones. Sorry, purists. Stop wincing already.

Neanderthal or Neandertal?
I gotta disagree with ***Dave on this one: Spell it “Neanderthal,” pronounce it “Nay-ander-tall” unless I’m talking to someone like my mom, who wouldn’t understand the German pronunciation. She would say “nee-yander-thall.”

Slashdot or Digg?
I’ve at least read a bit at Slashdot. David talks about it a lot.

Anime: Dub or Sub?
Oh, dub. No question. Only because the one anime cartoon that I really, really like, Cowboy Bebop, had really great English voice talent. And for the occasional other shows I watched, the squeaky girl’s voices just make me laugh.

Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew?
Oh, sooooo Dr. Pepper. That’s gonna start another fight, you know. ๐Ÿ™‚

via ***Dave :: Geek Rivalries

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3 thoughts on “Geek Rivalries

  1. Gin-

    You’re right on Neanderthal. It’s named for the valley where it was found, which is pronounced tall, not thall.

    Without a mention of Galactica, this feels so dated…


  2. Opera is available for Windows. Actually, is it even available for the Mac?

    I don’t agree with all your answers, but I still respect you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Mitch – yep, the valley of the Neander River, or something like that. People from there are called Neanderthaler, which probably irritated them at first, but now just amuses them.

    Dave – that’s all right, I respect your choices, too. I suspect you and our friend Steve have much in common on that score. ๐Ÿ˜›

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