Oh, boy! Time to infect (or re-re-reinfect ) my husband David with The Geek Rivalries Meme! Star Trek or Babylon 5? Tough one. Very tough. Although Trek informs a lot of my SF psycho-DNA, B5 never betrayed my trust by making me shell out the ducats to watch Drek VII: Teh Resurrection Wot Shunt’a Been. My mind says B5, my heart longs for chest-thumping Kirk and cerebral Spock. In the end, I have to say Trek. I miss not having it to watch (and occasionally, mock) on TV anymore. Because Enterprise, the most recent entry, was just starting to pick…
Hey, the WKJ is up for a Lulu Blooker prize – this is awarded to books that started out as blogs. It’s one of 5 finalists in the fiction category. Boing Boing’s Cory Doctorow is one of the judges. Cool! Good luck, Gus!
We’re such geeks. While waiting for the replacement TiVo to arrive. my husband David has Snapstream set up so we’re watching the big TV through his laptop, with the sound coming out of the home theater speakers. And I have Snapstream on my laptop (which is also my main computer) and can watch shows David doesn’t follow, with my headphones on. And vice versa. So the Alton Brown show about steak was on (it’s a rerun), and I wondered what NECI on his ballcap stood for. Now thanks to Google, I know it stands for New England Culinary Institute, which…
Got an email from the Synergy Brass Quintet website folks – it seems this excelling classical musical group is trying to get their music on iTunes, and they’re asking for help from their fans. So if you like their music, go here and request that iTunes add them. If you don’t know their music, check it out.. http://www.musicianmp3.com/stream7.cfm?id=2921&Mode=New&CFID=8380&CFTOKEN=60274713″>If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments iTunes: Synergy Brass Quintet: If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments: Masterworks For Brass From The Baroque And Renaissance [2:17]