To My Friends and Family In Utah: Call Your Legislators

Salt Lake Tribune – Salt Lake Tribune: Evolution bill survives by a vote

A proposal targeting evolution survived its toughest challenge Wednesday when it eked out of a House committee by one vote.
SB96, which requires teachers to say the state doesn’t endorse any theory involving the “origins of species,” needs only the support of the full House to pass the Legislature after gaining approval by the House Education Committee 7-6.
The bill is the brainchild of Sen. Chris Buttars, R-West Jordan, who is disgusted that some educators teach that humans have a common ancestor with chimpanzees.

Please don’t make Utah an educational laughingstock. Please don’t be silent and let bad science in the door of your schools. Please consider calling your Utah legislator and giving them your opinion on the matter.

I realize that some of you aren’t really on board the Evolutionary Bus (which is ironic considering that Utah is famous for dinosaur bones and fossil beds). I ask you to consider: whether you believe in creation or not, do you really think religion belongs in public schools? Because that’s what we’re really talking about here. It’s the thin end of the wedge.

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2 thoughts on “To My Friends and Family In Utah: Call Your Legislators

  1. Buttars has his head stuck up his ass. There is some comment from him almost every day in the Trib. Sad thing – the people in this state are Republicans until they die and nothing can change their minds – therefore, they will vote for any Republican. Osama could run on the R ticket here and he’d win. And then we have the Eagle Forum… sure makes the general population of Utah look like real idiots. I’ll be so glad when we can get the hell outta here!!

  2. Buttars is sure unpopular in the Trib letters to the editor columns. He sounds like he is one big horse’s ass. And then it was funny that he wasn’t even present for some important vote, so everything ground to a halt without him cracking the whip. Clearly, the Utah legislature doesn’t really have the stomach for pissing voters of that Buttars does.

    Oh, could be funny this fall. 😉

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