Elegant Napalm

IMproPRieTies: reax

Of all the tedious media coverage of reaction to the SOTU I saw, I most respected Renee Montagne’s visit to three New Orleansians in a FEMA trailer in the darkened eastern sector of the city. These people watching the Bone tossed from the House, sailing through the deluxe mediascape, landing with an thud in that dark abandoned wreck of the town. Hearing the President ignore not just the city, but his federal administration’s obscene failure to address the city, and now the failure to address that obscene failure, which is apparently the only way Mr. Bush knows how to implement anything at all in a realm in which accountability is not fudgeable by bogus fear and strategically invoked terror.

Now this, THIS is a SOTU post. I just wanted to haul it back here and be able to re-read it at my leisure.

It’s the written equivalent of napalm, elegantly and generously applied.

Then I listened to Renee Montagne’s piece. At the time of the SOTU speech, I thought it was bizarre and disturbing that so little time was spent talking about Katrina and the aftermath, and that there was absolutely no responsibility taken whatsoever.

In spite of ‘s prediction, no drink.

June (and hurricane season) is just around the corner. Maybe we ought to get a new groundhog.

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