Headscratching Time Again At Chez Gique

Okay, things done:

  • Removed cruft from side columns
  • Signed up for del.icio.us
  • Signed up for Feedburner
  • Created new feed, David redirected old feeds
  • Tinkered with Quicklinks, got MTAmazon partly working
  • Tinkered with stylesheet, fiddled with tags/categories footer

Things left undone:

  • Get MTAmazon fully working in Quickbooks
  • Add del.icio.us links on right column
  • Look for more old cruft to delete
  • Update “About” page
  • Go through Bookqueue, cycle books around
  • Learn more about adding music links via del.icio.us


  • Would like to blog playlists
  • Find more Hawaiian slack-key for iPod
  • Start using the rating system more


  • Pet-related chores >^t^
  • Try to get contacts/new glasses sorted
  • Beat the bushes for Bishop’s Committee reports


  • Try to write an actual, reality-based blog post daily
  • Take more photographs
  • Call friends and family more often
  • Find health club membership card 😉
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