Democrats for Utah Watch Party

Democracy for Utah | Democracy Begins With You

Update: There are now 3 watch parties planned in the Salt Lake area. Several D4U members will be attending the watch party at the home of Aaron Thompson in West Jordan.

Just in case any of my relatives in Utah might feel disposed to attend a Disarray of the Grunion speech-watching event.

And if not, there’s always the Drinking Liberally event in Salt Lake tomorrow:

We meet every friday at 6:30 p.m. in the loft of the Desert Edge Brewery in Trolley Square.

Bin Laden! 911! The War On Terra!

Bush: Bin Laden Should Be Taken Seriously – Yahoo! News

President Bush, defending the government’s secret surveillance program, said Wednesday that Americans should take
Osama bin Laden seriously when he says he’s going to attack again.

“When he says he’s going to hurt the American people again, or try to, he means it,” Bush told reporters after visiting the top-secret National Security Agency where the surveillance program is based. “I take it seriously, and the people of NSA take it seriously.”

It was Bush’s first comment about bin Laden since the al-Qaida leader warned in a tape aired last week that his fighters are preparing new attacks in the United States. Bin Laden offered a truce, without specifying the conditions, and the White House responded that the United States would never negotiate with the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks.


Gosh, there’s been a bunch of pre-State of the Grunion speeches. Bush was always doing a heckuva job beating the shit out of that 911 drum, and he recently added a big one labeled “Anti-Terror Surveillance Is Legal,” and now this week he’s got a new health care one to beat on, too. Gosh, I hope that one doesn’t go bust the way the “Medicare Reform” one did.

Remember this Farside comic? Of course you do. The Government, on the other hand, assumes you don’t. They keep saying the same thing, over and over, because they cynically think that we will believe their many and myriad Big Lies. Bush beats his drums, and Cheney beats his drums, and the Homeland Security/FEMA honchos beat their drums. But they don’t seem to realize that no matter how loudly they shout and thump and repeat themselves, fewer and fewer people believe the message they so desperately keep drumming into the airwaves via their pet commentators, “journalists,” and Big Name Pundits.

Slowly, more and more people are doing small and large things to indicate this unbelief, but for the most part it doesn’t get a lot of “press.” One reason for this may simply be that the conventional press has been worked over so many times by the loudest bullies on the Right that it tends to roll right over, Rover.

Meanwhile, people in the center, who don’t yell and scream “FOUL!” on the issues, don’t get a lot of press when they object to the excessive polarization of the political discourse in this country. Further, people more to the left are either waved aside as spineless conciliators, or are dismissed as the political equivalent of a small, irritable Chihuaua named “Killer.”

In any case, whenever someone manages to embarass this Government with a protest of some kind, it’s noteworthy, because usually the sort of people who might kick up a fuss at a public appearance by a Government official are usually kept well away, or screened, or prevented from attending by being required to sign a loyalty oath in blood or whatever.


So when someone manages to stage a protest that puts Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez in the same frame as a big banner with a (lightly condensed) quote by Benjamin Franklin, it’s definitely noteworthy. There’s video available at Democracy Now! along with panelists’ responses.

I’d seen a quote like that earlier in the day; I was reading all about the “comments closed” debacle at the Washington Post. In the “response” post by their ombudsperson, whose “truthiness” was called into question over her assertion that Jack Abramoff gave some money, or directed that some money be given to Democrats by his “clients,” several more-rational posters kept repeating this, over and over:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

– Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776

There’s a diary at Kos up that covers the interesting side-issue of what comments remained “deleted” when most comments were later restored by the Washington Post. The best of them are insightful, well-written, factual, and totally slaughter Howell’s original assertion and her later “clarification.” More from Atrios on this, too. Yes, yes, all from the leftward echosphere. Deal.

It’s kind of bracing and exciting to read the Founding Fathers’ words being used against the people who claim to be the upholders of the very Constitution they’re sneakily trying to undermine. And it reminds me of something that’s been going on in New York for a while – you’ll be waiting for a train, or entering the lobby of the library, and someone will stand up and start reading the First Amendment aloud. And then someone else. And then someone else. And then the crowd, which evidently was tipped off via the Internets, will disperse. I heard about this a while ago on National Public Radio, but I can’t find the story to cite.

Oh, I can hardly wait for the text of the State of the Union address… it’ll be carefully crafted to be strong, forceful, and unintentionally hysterical. Because no matter what Bush says, I’ll be hearing “Blah blah blah blah 9/11 blah blah war on terror blah blah Fundamental Incident blah blah cannot take our freedom blah blah 9/11 blah blah surveillance is legal blah it is legal blah blah foreign combatants blah terrorists blah blah will not stand blah blah blah blah legal interrogation not torture blah blah time of war blah. Thank you, and 9/11.”

“The Comments To This Entry Are Closed”

Chicago Tribune | Maureen Ryan

No, not to my entry – to Maureen Ryan’s. She posted an item about “The Book of Daniel” being cancelled to her Trib blog. Shortly afterward, someone posted this well-written and thoughtful response:

Hollywood bores America… and Everything about the Pompous attitude they exude.. keep highfive-ing yourselves with GoldenGayGlobes for Your insulting AntiAmerican, AntiGod Propoganda and you will also go the way of “Daniel” Waiting Patiently for all Netowrk Stations to fold under the weight of their left over dust ridden Award Shows…..Regards PC

There were a few more comments from people whose brains and spell-checkers were actually functioning, and then the comments were shut down. Why leave them open, when they were likely to get filled up with a lot of triumphant boosh-wa?

It really makes me chest-swellingly proud to say that I follow Christ with fellow travelers like this. Either that, or it makes me throw up a little in my mouth, the sensation is similar.

I’m disappointed that the show’s been cancelled, if only because it was different and I had a decent shot at nit-picking Episcopaliana.

But really, I could never get around to watching it. It conflicts with an excellent show, Numb3rs, that we always watch. To see “Daniel,” I had to watch via this online recording thingy. It kind of wasn’t worth the effort. Maybe it would have been, later, once Numb3rs is in reruns.

Still, I’m annoyed that the ratings weren’t good enough to swat back the ultra-holier than thou types. Now they’ll be all trumpeting their victory. Nothing succeeds like excess, especially when it comes to religious bullying.

Ice Cream Machiiiiiiiiine!!!

We watched an Iron Chef America episode tonight. Theme ingredient (come on, no one believes it’s actually a “sekrit” anymore) was pork. Practically an entire dead pig was laid out for the Iron Chef and the challenger to schlep down to the Kitchen Stadium.

When the ice cream machine was shown with something that was formerly part of a porker being poured into it, I automatically screamed “ICE CREAM MACHIIIIIINE!!1!” Yes, we watch enough to know when to shriek in mock horror.

Actually, it kills me when Alton Brown and Kevin Brauch start hollering. Too funny. However, I’ll pass on the idea of actually eating “Bacon Ice Cream,” thank you.

Dapper Snowman


On my way back from Holy Moly this morning I had to stop and snap this dapper snowman. The snow we got the other night was still pretty, and the people at this house had made a special effort with this guy – usually they’re placed right in the center of the yard, far from the street, but here they placed him at the end of their drive, where he’s much more friendly-like.

I like his hat the best.
Via: Flickr Title: 01-22-06_1246.jpg By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 22 Jan ’06, 6.47pm PST

Love Makes A Family

Chicago Tribune | Gay families plan to go to White House egg roll

The White House Easter egg roll this year may prove to be interesting. Gay and lesbian families will try to be in attendance, but may be prevented. And yes, the organizers have received hate mail.

I think it’s a great idea. Expose the Bushies for the hypocrites they are, and for being the pawns of intolerant religious bigots.

Ricky Gervais’ Big Chance Missed

Golden Globe winner Ricky Gervais missed his chance today to connect with American public radio listeners.

Yes, when Whad’Ya Know? called, Mr Gervais was not at home to Mr. Feldman. So they called some guy whose diner they ate at when they did a road show in the area.

It’s a live radio show, and Michael was justifiably disappointed, noting that for once they had managed to book an actual celebrity, instead of some guy that wrote an obscure but quirky book.

Oh, wait! As I’m listening in the second hour, they’ve gotten ahold of Ricky Gervais… no. Actually, they’ve reached an artist named Jerry from Michigan, who makes sculptures of diners. This is more like it. He owns “Rosie’s Diner.”

Gee, for an artist, he sure has a craptacular website, but maybe that’s deliberate. Art should always disturb.

Now he’s talking to some guy in the audience who’s a Transylvanian Unitarian minister, but there’s a Hungarian blogging connection.

Ricky, all this could have been yours.


Gus Openshaw’s Whale Killing Journal: First Review

I’ve been reading the original Gus Openshaw blog for about a year and a half, almost two years now. It amounted to a serial novel, with comments. With a lot of other people, birds, and dead guys, I participated in the comments (I am in disguise, although it’s probably an open secret now as to my identity).

Since the end of the adventure some time ago, Gus moved on to another free online blog community, Mindsay.

A blog entry from last year may help make it less confusing. “No, is too much. I will sum up.”

First Review of the Whale-Killing Journal

Gus Openshaw notes on his Mindsay blog:

What does it feel like to get the first review of your book? Well, pretend you’re me a few minutes ago and you are about to read the following sent to you by your publisher. Now pretend butterflies are throwing punches in your stomach. Now read it {Note: Thomson is the name of a stooge who, because I might get extradited otherwise, stands in for me}:

Kirkus Reviews
Thomson, Keith

A blogger-slash-whaler goes hunting for his prey in the Caribbean—where the waters are shark-infested, the crew is always on the verge of mutiny and absurd plot twists arrive with every other paragraph.

Thomson’s raucous comedy of errors is the tale of Gus Openshaw, a worker at a cat-food cannery who spends his summer hot on the trail of the “blubbery bastard” who swallowed his wife, child and right arm. Openshaw obsessively details his pursuit on his blog, and he’s a little surprised to learn that his readership knows of other obsessive, one-limbed whalers. (“I’ve been calling [the whale] ‘Dickhead,’ ” he writes. “Everybody always laughs and says that’s a witty reference. Hell if I know why.”) Joining him on the trip are a short-tempered, murderous cook, a deckhand who’s addicted to hull cleaner, the appropriately named Stupid George (who at one point heaves a harpoon handle-first) and Flarq, a Queequeg-like deckhand who draws “scrimshaws” of the events in the story (illustrations appear throughout). Thomson constantly subverts the narrative by concocting increasingly ridiculous turns of events—Openshaw’s sued for libeling Dickhead on his blog, after which he falls for the Princess of Whales, the ruler of a small whale-worshipping island who, in turn, happens to work for a black-market arms dealer who appears at crucial moments with, say, a prosthetic arm, or an F-15 fighter jet. Yet Thomson never loses his grip on the plot—he works hard to make the story hang together logically; the brief, blog-length chapters, meanwhile, keep the jokes punchy and entertaining. If Moby-Dick was a richly symbolic work about the whole of human experience, this is just an assortment of riffs on adventure tales, love stories and human idiocy in general. Thomson is no Melville, but there’s no question who’s the better gag-writer.

Dumb fun, smartly imagined.

Well, good for Gus. The next book is going to be a reality. I guess Pirates of Pensacola did all right. And if all the wacky commenters are going to be in the Acknowledgements, I suppose that might be a good enough reason to reveal my sekrit identity.

Which is probably embarassingly obvious, but we’ll continue with the pretense that it’ll be a complete surprise to everybody.