Joss Whedon Prognosticates

Insider – [TV Guide Online]

The networks will all be creating exciting, innovative new spin-offs of today’s shows. Approximately 67 percent of all television will be CSI-based, including CSI: Des Moines, CSI: New York but a Different Part than Gary Sinise Is In and NCSI: SVU WKRP, which covers every possible gruesome crime with a groovin’ ’70s beat. (Jerry Bruckheimer will also have conquered Broadway with the CSI musical “FOLLICLE!” starring Nathan Lane as a frenetic but lovable blood spatter and Matthew Broderick as lint.)
Lost has that one-of-a-kind alchemy that really can’t be copied. Therefore, look for the original series Misplaced, as well as Unfound, Not So Much with the Whereabouts and Just Pull Over and Ask!

First of all, I would totally watch NCIS:SVU WKRP. Also, I’d probably give Just Pull Over And Ask! a whirl.

Serenity (Widescreen Edition)

But really, Joss is right. And by the way, the DVD for Serenity is out now (he’s just as shameless as ever).

David brought the Serenity DVD home and we’ve watched a couple of times. You know you’re a weird fangeek when you watch a movie with the commentary track on – not even with the actors, the one put on by the producer and/or creator. Joss’ commentary track is not bad but like many of its ilk, he spends a lot of time waxing lyrical about his cast and crew.

They must sell lyrical wax by the barrelful in Hollywood, just to make interviews and commentaries and sound bites all shiny.

He drops a couple of off-hand comments about visible bloopers that were inadvertently left in, but mostly he layers on the lyrical wax pretty heavily. After watching and listening to the whole thing, I concluded that he’s actually in love with Summer Glau’s feet, and he’s pretty crazy about his lighting/photography guys, too.

Did you know that Summer Glau’s feet are actually the 11th character? I knew that the ship was the 10th, but actually her feet do get a lot of cherishing in both the series and the movie. She has nice feet. She must spend a fortune on pedicures.

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2 thoughts on “Joss Whedon Prognosticates

  1. What’s even more amazing is that Summer Glau is a dancer and STILL has nice feet. All the dancers I know have horrible, horrible feet from all the abuse of dancing.

  2. Whoa, that was fast! You’re right, it’s pretty surprising that her feet aren’t all bent up and knobbly.

    So which of Joss’ predicted shows would you watch? Or would you make up a few of your own? I just realized that it’s about time for a Mythbusters clone to show up on network. I’d call it “Two Guys, A Crash Test Dummy, And Stuff Blowing Up.”

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