Christmassy Preparations

It’s a low-key Christmas here at Chez Geeque. I’ve got 2 pies in the oven, and I’m thinking about making a batch of cookies now that the oven is the right temperature. It’s raining, which is depressing, and I’m listening to This American Life‘s Christmas Spectacular (which may prove to be depressing also, but quirky and entertainingly so). As a bonus, they offer their entertaining “In a world…” promo tags as downloadable MP3s. I’ve been laughing at these all week. Jesus has never had such a happy birthday.

Tonight I’ll sing at the evening service at Holy Moly, share some food with everyone else at the reception aftward, and get home in time to enjoy the quiet.

Tomorrow, a big pancake breakfast for just David and me, then late in the afternoon, Hanukkah at Dan and Deb’s. Latkes! Yum!

African Girls Aren’t Going To School Because…

…of the simple fact that most schools don’t have girls-only latrines, water to wash with, or privacy. Once puberty arrives, many girls simply stay home.

Another School Barrier for African Girls: No Toilet

The article notes that if girls and women had access to all the normal goods and services their societies offered, such as a basic education, farming supplies and subsidies, and a supply of sanitary goods, life for everyone would be better. Why? According to the World Bank:

The issue, advocates for children say, is not merely fairness. The World Bank contends that if women in sub-Saharan Africa had equal access to education, land, credit and other assets like fertilizer, the region’s gross national product could increase by almost one additional percentage point annually. Mark Blackden, one of the bank’s lead analysts, said Africa’s progress was inextricably linked to the fate of girls.

Chicago City News, Dead At 115

An “obit” from the Trib:

Chicago Tribune | Wake planned for New Year’s Eve as reporters mourn the death of Chicago’s fabled City News Bureau


Services for Chicago’s City News Bureau, the 115-year-old wire service that was the starting point for hundreds of American journalists, will be held New Year’s Eve in the Billy Goat Tavern, lower Michigan Avenue and Hubbard Street.

The wake begins at 8 p.m.

Arrangements are being handled by Paul Zimbrakos, CNB editor; Sam Sianis, Billy Goat propietor,and Bernard Judge, former City News editor.

All present and former CNB staffers are welcome, along with spouses and friends. First drink is on the house for those who can prove they were part of the finest journalistic training ground ever devised.

CNB ceases operation at 12:01 a.m. January 1, 2006.

If you need more information–really, the above is everything you need to know– you can call Bernie Judge at 312-644-7006.

Read on for some memorable testimonials. They go on and on for pages and pages.

Eat The State’s Top Ten Over-hyped Stories of 2005

Let’s review – are Eat the State and Blogula Rasa on the same page?

  1. Terri Schiavo: Yeppers
  2. Intelligent Design (sic): Hee!
  3. The War On Christmas: Hell, yes
  4. Everything’s Going Splendidly In Iraq: Check
  5. Michael Jackson’s Trial: I could care less about MJ
  6. Martha Stewart’s Comeback: Ditto MS
  7. Howard Dean: Hmm. When he shoots his mouth off, he’s not firing blanks. I’m not so sure about this one.
  8. Pat Robertson: Again, I think making the Religious Right look foolish has more value than mere newsworthiness
  9. The Minutemen: Okay, I agree we can ignore the yahoos
  10. Rossi v. Gregoire (WA state governor’s race): Yep, another example of Repugnican issue mongering
  11. Plus, sports, 14-Day-Accu–Pinpoint-Doppler-Radar-Insta-Weather, the usual: ITA

For the most part, I’m with Eat the State on their picks. Same with the most underreported stories, also found in the same article – W’s lameduckness, the US is a torture regime, Homeland Security’s many failures, the Downing Street memos, and “Say, where is Osama Bin Laden, anyway?”

However, I hadn’t heard of this tidbit:

Lastly, for the first time, a blog determined the outcome of a local election when David Goldstein’s broke the story that King County Executive candidate David Irons literally beat his mother. Only one major local media outlet (the P-I) would touch it, but the sensational (and true) story was enough to turn a close race into an easy victory for Ron Sims.

Very interesting reading. I guess Seattle/Western Washington politics are almost as colorful as the local Chicago/Upstate Illinois variety. I never knew that when I lived there.

Alito: For Wiretaps, Against Abortion, Great Timing

Hey, remember that guy… Alito? Who got nominated for the Supreme Court a while back? Guess the Friday before the Christmas holiday weekend is a good time for the release of some interesting memos. Let’s all try to remember these later, when he’s back in the news for real in the midst of his Senate confirmation hearings.

ABC News: Alito Argued to Overturn Roe in 1985 Memo

WASHINGTON Dec 23, 2005 — Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito wrote in a June 1985 memo that the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion should be overturned.

The June 3, 1985 document was one of 45 released by the National Archives on Friday. A total of 744 pages were made public.

In paperwork released earlier from Alito’s time in the Justice Department’s solicitor general’s office, he recommended a legal strategy of dismantling abortion rights piece by piece. And as part of an application for a job as deputy assistant attorney general, Alito said the Constitution does not guarantee abortion rights.

The latest memo is certain to stir controversy as the Senate prepares for confirmation hearings for Alito, slated to begin Jan. 9.

Charles Fried, a Reagan administration solicitor-general, two decades ago noted the implications of the memo in his introduction, “I need hardly say how sensitive this material is, and ask that it have no wider circulation.”

Alito Said Attorneys General Can’t Be Sued for Illegal Wiretaps

Dec. 23 (Bloomberg) — Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito wrote in a 1984 memo that U.S. attorneys general should be immune from being sued for ordering illegal wiretaps.

Even so, Alito, then a Justice Department lawyer, recommended against pressing the claim in a case involving 1970s wiretaps ordered by former Attorney General John Mitchell to investigate a suspected plot to kidnap National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger and blow up utility tunnels in Washington.

Oh, that’s interesting. Bush and Alito, hand in hand and skipping among the violets and trampling rights as they go. What a happy picture.

Yes, the timing is particularly good. A recent poll shows about 54% of Americans favor Alito’s nomination. They won’t remember about this stuff in mid-January when his hearings start. Nice one, Bushco.

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
By: Bobby Henderson

Just when you thought your edumication was complete, the next wave in scientifical theories of the creation of everything is about to break over our heads. And in this theory, All was created from Nothing from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Hey, it makes as much sense as intelligent design theory, and it’s perfect with a nice Chianti and a bit of aged parmesan.

Coming soon is the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and sometime after that, a pirate ship whose missionary work will be to go out amongst the heathens and bring them to the Angelhair of the Bowl.

O, Flying Spaghetti Monster, hollowed be Thy Pirate Ship (otherwise, there’s no place to put all the swag).

There is a reasonably clear and fairly sober explanation of the Doctrine of the Condiments of FSM thought in this interview with the Prophet.

There are many images, icons, and manifestations of the Flying Spaghetti monster here.

The (recently updated) Open Letter to the Kansas School Board:




I am writing you with much concern after having read of your hearing to decide whether the alternative theory of Intelligent Design should be taught along with the theory of Evolution. I think we can all agree that it is important for students to hear multiple viewpoints so they can choose for themselves the theory that makes the most sense to them. I am concerned, however, that students will only hear one theory of Intelligent Design.

Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him.

It is for this reason that I’m writing you today, to formally request that this alternative theory be taught in your schools, along with the other two theories. In fact, I will go so far as to say, if you do not agree to do this, we will be forced to proceed with legal action. I’m sure you see where we are coming from. If the Intelligent Design theory is not based on faith, but instead another scientific theory, as is claimed, then you must also allow our theory to be taught, as it is also based on science, not on faith.

Some interesting responses from the Kansas School Board. There are at least 3 intelligent board members. Whew! Good for you, Kansas!

Jeez, I can’t believe Naperville is in there. That’s awkward. Oh, well, we’ve got ID-iots in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana, too. Can’t be helped. Maybe they’ll see the error of their ways and be touched by His Noodly Appendage.

Via Boing Boing

Beep! Beep! Beep!

What’s that sound? Why, it’s Senator Rick Santorum backing away slowly from a previously held position and also putting distance between himself and former allies the Thomas More Law Center, and the (hee! hee!) former Dover, PA school board.

It’s only to be expected; that’s why they call him “Election Year Rick” in his state.

Senator cuts ties to law center after ‘intelligent design’ defeat-Santorum says Ann Arbor Christian rights group ‘made a huge mistake’ in Pennsylvania case

PHILADELPHIA – U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum plans to cut ties with the Ann Arbor-based Thomas More Law Center, which defended the Dover Area School District’s policy mandating the teaching of intelligent design in science classes dealing with evolution.

Santorum, R-Pa., earlier praised the district for “attempting to teach the controversy of evolution.”

But Wednesday, a day after a federal judge ruled the district’s policy on intelligent design unconstitutional, he said he was troubled by testimony indicating religion motivated some board members to adopt the policy.

“I thought the Thomas More Law Center made a huge mistake in taking this case and in pushing this case to the extent they did,” said Santorum, a member of the center’s advisory board.

The Thomas More Law Center was started by Domino’s Pizza founder Tom Monaghan, a backer of conservative Catholic causes, and says its seeks to defend the religious rights of Christians.

Let’s see if we can translate Senator Santorum’s dilemma: what happened was the Dover ID-iots screwed up. They’d been carefully and repeatedly coached by the Discovery Institute to “teach the controversy” and undermine science education by casting doubt on evolutionary theory. However, they went too far – they mandated that teachers had to read a statement, rather than suggesting that they get a carefully led “discussion” of “intelligent design” as a scientific theory every bit as valid as natural selection.

Santorum couldn’t be associated with the Dover ID-iots, and he was pissed off at the Thomas More Law Center for not riding herd on them better. Then, the Doverites broke the sekrit rule about ot-nay alking-tay out-abay eligion-ray in our nations ools-skay, which is why Judge Jones nailed them to the wall as an example to God-botherers to mend their ways (and also why the intelligently designed voters of Dover kicked them out of office). And also Santorum was pissed at Thomas More for allying themselves with those ID-iots in Dover in the first place, instead of with some smart Kansans who’re better at pussyfooting around the whole eligion-ray issue-hay.

It’s official: Rick Santorum is backing away from the appearance of being a religious zealot, just in time for the holidays. Happy electioneering, Senator Rick! A pleasant Festivus to you, sir!

Waka! Waka! Waka! Waka!

Holidays getting you down? Finals got you fried? How about a quick game of Classic Pac Man – new school? (video/quicktime Object).

You’d think someone would have realized before that a University of Michigan library and computer lab are both excellent venues for live-action Pac Man. It’s strange how blase’ all the witnesses are, though.

Via BoingBoing reader William

My New Obsession

No, I’m not bored with blogging, it’s just been hella busy at work this week, and it was hella busy the week before that. What’s that? I was off all last week? Well, I was hella busy completing a lot of
Sudoku puzzles. I’ve gotten pretty good at it.

Oddly enough, soon after I got hooked on it, David figured out how to play it on TiVo. I guess we’ve both been hella busy with it lately.

It’s all Going Underground‘s fault, it is. Blame it on Annie.

15 Minutes

15 Minutes

15 Minutes
By: Nik Kershaw

Nik is one of those “aha!” artists. He had one or two modest hits (in the States) in the 80’s, and as it happens I was one of the few lucky ones that bought his album that had “Wouldn’t It Be Good” and another dozen great songs on it.

Actually, that’s not quite accurate. I was dumb enough to sign up for the Columbia Record “Club” in the 80’s, and I still have a bunch of dusty old cassettes kicking around in a box downstairs. There’s some great music in there, and I’ve been pondering for a while the possibilities of transfering my favorite old cassettes to CD.

While I was looking around on Amazon for Nik’s music I realized he had a new CD out. After reading the rapturous reviews, I think it might be a “must have.” I’ll order this after the holiday madness settles down.

I was originally looking for the CD version of my old tape, but what I had seems to be a compilation of Nik’s first two albums. How confusing. So I might go ahead and pop for that, too.

Pretty expensive considering I was just noodling around looking for something to listen to on iTunes.