A Modern Mystery Play

This story in the Chicago Tribune got me wondering what the real deal was: Chicago Tribune | Winnetka couple arrested after standoff

A nearly four-hour police standoff in downtown Winnetka came to an end this morning after a couple who allegedly threatened an officer and barricaded themselves in an apartment surrendered.

“They carried him out in his underwear,” said Tim Klein, 13, a neighborhood youth who watched as police brought the couple out of their apartment. “Then a woman came out in her nightgown, and she got into the police car.”

The incident began about 5 a.m. when a police officer in his squad car came upon a man and a woman arguing outside an apartment building on the 500 block of Chestnut Street, Winnetka Police Chief Joseph DeLopez said.

So: they started off arguing outside the building, at oh-dark five. At this time of year, it’s pitch black outside – it doesn’t really start to get light for another couple of hours. And it’s hella cold if you’re only clad in your PJ’s – it’s below freezing, but not in the low teens or below zero or anything. And was the man in his underwear then, too? If so: brr.

So then, they go back inside when confronted by the cop, and do what? Make coffee? Go back to bed? Get undressed?

It just doesn’t make a lot of sense. If I were caught arguing with my husband in the street in the pre-dawn darkness(not that this would happen, just “what if”) and the cops surrounded the place, all S.W.A.T.ed up, I’d put on some damn clothes. It’s the cops outside, for God’s sake!

And I’d tell David to put some pants on.

UPDATE: More mystery ensues.

But the man’s father, Amedee Jones of Deerfield, disputed the official account. In remarks to reporters outside the police department, Jones said an officer who had dated his son’s girlfriend was harassing her, provoking the incident.

“He called and said, ‘Dad, there’s a bunch of police out here. I’m scared, I don’t know what to do,'” Jones said. “I advised him to basically hold on, to just stay there, to do nothing until we heard from our attorney to find out what the best thing to do was.”

Oh ho – police involvement? Wait and see.

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2 thoughts on “A Modern Mystery Play

  1. 🙄
    The couple wasn’t arguing on the street. The 40 year old female homeowver left at 3:00 am to get cigarettes. The 22 year old boyfriend saw her “sex” friend who is a cop downstairs and out of repeted jealousy strated verbally threatening him. Stating he will kill him and blow his head off. After being arrested and taken to jail, the cople claimed the “boyfriend cop” was provoking and harassing them. Best part of this story is the copt the boyfriend saw downstairs who he was threatnin was not even her copy friend/boyfriend. So how could he have provoked them when he wasn’t even present. During the time the police were surrounding the apartment, they both were undressed ebacsue they just wanted to go to sleep … oh boy, society just makes my life look that much better

  2. All the detail just makes it that much more mysterious and mixed up.

    I don’t think I’d go out at 4:00am for ANYTHING unless it was a trip to the emergency room or something.

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