
Friday was kind of a busy day. That night was the holiday party for David’s office, and we had hotel reservations for the night, so the point was to get down there as early as possible and relax a little before going to the party.

The relaxing part didn’t happen, owing to the typically “lousy” Friday commute traffic (“lousy” is the current term of choice used by the local traffic reporters on WBEZ).

Work was work, but I’d arranged to go in early so I could leave “early.” This was theoretical – I ended up leaving about 20 minutes later than I’d hoped, but that was still better than it could have been. I took an hour to get to the hotel (allowing for only one wrong turn, which I figured out quickly enough). At least I could enjoy the news on National Public Radio on my way down. It amused me no end to hear that Justice Department lawyers thought that the Texas resdistricting plans Tom Delay spearheaded were illegal, but they were overruled by senior officials. And it wasn’t political or anything, according to a spokesman, who said that all those lawyers, who were in the Civil Rights department, had a liberal agenda. Oh, brother.

‘Tis the season, I thought. Anyway, I made it at last, got changed quickly, and we went off to the dinner party. David’s brother (Hi, Mitch!!!) had suggested ComedySportz as an entertainment choice when Cynthia, the lady in charge of the annual arrangements was looking for something different for this year’s party.

It was a big hit, and everyone seemed to have a great time, even Cynthia when she got pulled up to play a game called Power Lunch. I think it was the best holiday party ever, frankly. Way, way better than sitting around watching the creepy DJ trying to teach people to do the Electric Slide every year. Different DJ this year, too.

A little snow had fallen when we left the next morning, but there was almost no traffic (lousy or otherwise) and it only took me about 15-20 minutes to retrace my route. David ran an errand and still beat me home, because apparently ripping along at almost 70 mph is still too frigging slow (I had to move over to the slow lane because I got tired of the way people were ostentatiously speeding past on either side, then slowing down. Dickwads).

The rest of the day was spent in making it up to Riley, who had spent the night alone. A good time was had by all.

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