Tough Break For Peanut

Amazing Race Family Edition” href=””>Reality TV Magazine: Carissa Gaghan One Of The Toughest Racers Ever Is Eliminated From Amazing Race Family Edition

One of my favorite teams ever, and some of my favorite individual racers ever, were eliminated on TAR.


Here’s the shocker: the parents were okay, but I loved the kids, Billy and Carissa Gaghan. They’re coool. And I hope that they’ve both come to terms with getting eliminated in the months since the episode was filmed. I expect now they’ll have to come to terms with being considered “TAR royalty” by fans of the show.

Carissa showed unexpected grace and courage and humor; she gave it her best shot every time, all the time. Her dad and mom showed a frustrating inability to get a move on when in a moving vehicle, perhaps because they wanted to set an example by driving safely. But once the kids were out of the cars, it was “wheels, Carissa!” all the way.

I hope some past and present Racers take a page from Carissa’s playbook: this is how you stand on the mat and take the news.

I expect the good folks that organize the traditional “TARcon” party in New York will make sure the little kids from TAR8 can be accommodated, ie., hold the party in a restaurant type of venue and not just a bar. Most, but not all, of the kids were interesting or entertaining, far more so than I previously thought possible.

Ironic that previous seasons’ Racers who acted like spoiled children during their racearoundtheworld foramilliondollars are shown up by actual, unspoiled children.

Lawrence Wilkerson’s Bombshells

More evidence that the wheels are starting to come off George’s little red wagon. Oh, if only someone would fix it, but that’ll have to wait until Inauguration Day 2008.

Larry Wilkerson gave an amazing interview on yesterday’s Morning Edition show on National Public Radio. How did I miss this the first time? Steve Inskeep sounds both incredulous and excited. It’s about the “White House cabal” that not only manipulated the intelligence in favor of war, and ignore the intel against it. Not only that, he claims that the Vice President’s office was ultimately responsible for the relaxation of prisoner treatment guidelines. Not only that, the Veep’s staff supposedly reads other White House staffers emails and National Security Council staff emails…and generally makes sure that what comes out is what the Veep wants out, not necessarily what the President wants coming out. And also… that what the Veep doesn’t want to know about intelligence that doesn’t go his way. Ohhhh, my.

There are several bombshells in the National Public Radio interview, but now I see there was something on PBS:

Online NewsHour: Wilkerson Raises Questions About Iraq War Planning — November 4, 2005

After the interview with Wilkerson, there’s a very interesting analysis between David Corn (The Nation) and Randy Schuenemann (who used to be the point guy in Washington for the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq and consulted on Iraq to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and is now a private consultant).

Corn brings up some good points. Schuenemann is unable to refute them without resorting to ad hominem attacks, blameshifting to other government or military bodies, and the moderator, Margaret Warner, righteously smacks him around a couple of times for not answering the question.

Oh, thank God for public broadcasting.

My Domain


The last few weeks have flown by in a happy blur. My monkeys – in fact, I now think of them as “my beloved monkeys,” have gone to great lengths to make me comfortable. Recently, they have bought new toys and invented new games to keep me entertained and healthy. I am especially fond of “Sock Jail” and “Whack-A-Mouse,” and also now have two special sleeping beds of my very own. One of them I hated until they turned it on its side, whereby it became perfectly acceptable. The other one is a very upscale leather hammock in the monkey’s wall-watching room. I enjoy my hammock very much, especially when the monkeys toss some of the foam balls in. Oh! Oh! That makes me so enjoyably KA-RAY-ZEEE! Oh! Oh! Gettitgettitgettit! Oh…

You must pardon me, I become quite excitable when in the throes of an attack of playfulness. A strange thing about that leather hammock was that the woman monkey didn’t seem to want me to use it at first. She kept sweeping it out and appeared concerned. I had no problem with it at all, although the previous tenants left behind a number of bits of wood and bark and so on. Apparently it had another use before my reign began.

Mine now, though. It’s all mine now.

I even have a special radio program to enjoy while the monkeys are away from the little building. This makes my days less dull, though truth be told, I sleep most of the time anyway. It’s called
and it’s all right, but actually I prefer it when they leave National Public Radio on all day. I like to remain informed.

Yes, my domain is run along the lines I laid down from the very beginning: regular meals, clean water, plenty of places to hide, plenty of places to sleep, and of course much petting and accolades from the monkeys, my populace. I take my duties seriously and in exchange for all their offerings and tributes, I give them approving head- and body-bumps and luxuriate in being petted. Also they seem to find my enthusiasm for our games and toys entertaining – sometimes they completely forget to watch the wall and focus on my activities.

Which, after all, is as it should be. I must say that my overall health and fitness are much improved since my arrival – I seem to be much stronger and have much more energy for play. I remember feeling very small and very scared and not being able to play much at all, but that was a long time ago.

It’s good to be Cat, of course. It’s good to be Cat of such an appreciative and affectionate and generous pair of monkeys.

Pres. Jimmy Carter Next On Hit List

Carter: White House manipulated Iraq intel

And with that look for a raft of criticism from the rabid Right. They’ll bring up embarassing items from the past and attempt to paint Carter as an irrelevant, confused old guy.

Yeah, the rabbit thing was weird, but I bet Jimmy could still fix a nuclear sub in a pinch. AND he’s still doing a hell of a lot of good work for the poor and the homeless.