Abramoff And Africa

What with all the bad news for the administration, it’s easy to lose track. Let’s not forget Jack Abramoff, shall we? It appears he also wanted to help African heads of state get in touch with the Bush White House. Money may have changed hands, in a way that’s usually frowned on by government auditors.

Lobbyist Sought $9 Million to Set Bush Meeting – New York Times

Mr. Abramoff’s ties to Gabon were first revealed in a letter that was among hundreds of pages of documents from Mr. Abramoff’s files that were released last week by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, which has conducted a yearlong investigation of his lobbying for Indian tribes.

When he first approached Gabon, Mr. Abramoff was not new to issues involving West Africa.

He had been a Washington lobbyist for President Mobutu Sese Seko, the repressive leader of neighboring Congo, called Zaire at the time. He also had connections to Gabon through a former business partner, David Safavian, who was a registered agent in Washington for President Bongo. Mr. Safavian, a former White House budget official, was arrested in September on charges of lying about his ties to Mr. Abramoff.

The three-page letter released by the Senate panel was written to Mr. Bongo on Greenberg Traurig stationery and dated July 28, 2003; Mr. Abramoff suggested that he had unusual influence to arrange a meeting with President Bush.

Safavian has ties to Utah due to his work for Rep. Chris Cannon. Abramoff’s attempt to pick up a couple of African leaders (one of which is a pretty notorious dictator) is suspect. Why was he so eager to make connections there? Probably because of oil and mineral rights.

I’m hoping for more embarassing news for the Administration coming out of the Abramoff case. Everybody connected with the guy seems to have ties to Republican politicians in lots of different states. How far did his influence extend? Pretty damn far, I’m thinking.

Senator Al?

Comedian Al Franken gets serious about politics – Yahoo! News


Yes, it could happen, because Al Franken is a Paul Wellstone Minnesota Democrat – meaning he’s a progressive Upper Midwest kind of political pragmatist. Hey, it could be weirder, this is Minnesota we’re talking about here. So: go Al!P.S. we really miss Katherine Lanpher, but fortunately the Sundance Channel is rerunning some “best of second season” episodes and she’s still there, laughing richly and keeping Al on track.UPDATE 11/18/06: It appears there will be no Senator Franken just yet, darn it, but even without him, the turnover of House and Senate control in Washington means one thing: Congressional oversight at last (“tax and spend Democrat” is a little dated, IMO).And, conservatives had better pull back on their glee that he’s leaving now-bankrupt Air America Radio: actually, he’s leaving for Iraq for yet another USO tour in support of the troops.As he’s done a number of times before.Let’s see some of his brother media types on the other side of the political fence put themselves in harm’s way for entertaing our military in Iraq, eh?

As for AAR, well, I haven’t been able to listen as often, and their begging emails got to be annoying. However, I still think they provide an important service as an alternative in talk radio.

Also, they tend to be funnier, although I pretty much just listened to Al and and Randi Rhodes. I still get a lot of hits in my stats for “Bounce Your Boobies” because of her.

Pat Robertson: What If He’d Been President?

Chicago Tribune | Pat Robertson Warns Pa. Town of Disaster

You know what? Pat Robertson has a pattern of shooting off his mouth, getting wide reportage, and then issuing a “statement” about what he really meant to say. In the article, he’s threatening fire and brimstone on the town of Dover, PA, whose citizens were intelligent enough to vote the intelligent-design rascals off their school board. It’s painfully apparent that the whole ID issue is all about injecting religion into the nations schools and tearing a big whole in the wall separating Church (big C) and State (big S). The Child Evangelism Society is right behind them, aided in no small part by our newest Supreme Court nominee, Judge Samuel Alito Jr.

But come on, Pat, this statement is sheer idiocy:

“God is tolerant and loving, but we can’t keep sticking our finger in his eye forever,” Robertson said. “If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them.”

Listen, Pat, God is great. Nobody can vote Him out of office. They can, however, vote out rascals, incompetents, cronies, cranks, wingnuts, and fanatics.

I shudder to think what would happen if someone like you got in office, because you’s nuts. However, this fear is tempered by the mental image of the Three Stooges doing an eye-poke schtick on the Big Man Upstairs.

“Don’t make me come down there!”

Is is a slightly befuddled elder statesman of the Religious Right, or a dangerous lunatic? Since he seems to be sidelining himself and embarrassing his compatriots every time he spouts off, I’m thinking the former, with a generous dollop of loony on the side.

Jordan: Not Afraid

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Jordan ‘not afraid’ after bombs

Jordan, like Britain, Spain, the US, and many other countries, is not afraid. They’re literally in a difficult position in the Arab world: they’re between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Their young King Hussein II seems to be walking the tightrope as well as his father did. They made peace with Israel, and their country acts as both a gateway and getaway for people working or living in Iraq. This puts them high on the fundamentalists’ hit lists.

Peace be upon all those who lost friends and family, and may the wounded be healed quickly.