Punk’d pies


Just wanted to add that a comment at a recipe site mentioned adding a bit of molasses, so since I had some for the pecan pie, I added a tablespoon to the mixture to make these two. We’ll see how it turns out. I think we’re only taking 2 pies total, since there will be at least one or two other desserts. David is anxious that there will be pie left over to bring home. Oh, there may be, or I can just make more.

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Title: Punk’d pies

By: GinnyRED57

Originally uploaded: 24 Nov ’05, 7.55pm PST

I want pie


Okay, my pecan pie is out of the oven and looks pretty good. I got the recipe from Elise’s Simply Recipes site, which I read regularly via Bloglines. Her recipese always look so good and they’re very easy to follow. I’m a nervous cook and always take forever fussing around getting ingredients set up in advance, then repeatedly check and re-check before I finally start combining. I will say that her recipe is a snap to put together, much easier than one I saw that involved cooking the sugars on the stove first until they got to the “crackle” stage (it’s a candymaking term, something I learned about in junior high home ec, and not a happy memory either). So I have high hopes for this pie and have enough ingredients to make another one if I feel like it. Although I went with a frozen crust for this one, and I’d have to make a scratch crust, and I’m even more trepidatious of those.

We leave in about an hour to go to David’s aunt’s place so I have to get cleaned up and get my transport system pulled together. I got an idea from Alton Brown about that – we don’t have a pizza box handy, but we do have non-skid shelf liners and shallow cardboard boxes. Heh. They used to hold cans of cat food. I will chuckle evilly about this (but assure the allergic members of the family that the cat has not been anywhere near the boxes).
This image was sent from Flickr as a blog entry, email or cameraphone image.
Via: Flickr
Title: I want pie

By: GinnyRED57

Originally uploaded: 24 Nov ’05, 7.28pm PST

Why Childfree People Get So Irked

There are so many things in Dennis Byrne’s Chicago Tribune column today that I find objectionable, since I’m childfree. He apparently just became aware of the phenomenon of couples declining to reproduce and seems to be just horrified at the prospect. From the sound of it, he ran across some rants pages from the more extreme end of the childfree spectrum and he was shocked. Shocked! Yeah, Dennis, that’s the point: to shock people like you, and to reinforce the “us/them” construct between denizens of the various childfree sites.

Another irksome thing: I’m pretty tired of hearing endless variations on the phrase “but it’s haaaaard to be a parent.” Talk about whiny complaining, which is just what Byrne does throughout the column. Most of the parents I know wouldn’t be caught dead whining about how hard it is. They just do it – they don’t expect medals.

Anyway, my friends and family with children or grandchildren will want to read something other than Yet Another Rant Because Ginny Saw An Article That Questions Her Right To Be Childfree.

I know: go adopt a kitty! My rant will be in the extended entry.
Continue reading

For Persons Who Care About Cats

Please, please, please adopt a cat this week and give thanks for companionship, warmth, and a new friend who purrs:

Chicago Tribune | Cats multiplying like rabbits

David and I adopted Riley Cat Gibbs after a long spell of catlessness, and have had so much fun playing with him and getting to know his beguiling little ways. We’re so grateful we helped rescue him, and we’re grateful to the folks at PACT Humane Society who helped.

There are several links to Chicago-area shelters in the Trib story – to that I’ll add a link to PACT Humane Society, Chicagoland’s largest all-volunteer, no-kill animal shelter.

At The Home Store


We were at Home Despot earlier mulling ways to make interior storm windows. As I originally thought it might be a variation of the magnetic kit thingy I found, we were at the Plexiglas section. There was an upper shelf that was empty, except for a long cardboard box that had been repurposed by the store with the message “Please place nothing on displays,” which was written in black marker. As you can see, it looks oh so slick and professional and workmanlike.

Immediately below, someone got as philosophical as it gets in a suburban hardware store: “what about this box?”

This image was sent from Flickr as a blog entry, email or cameraphone image.

Via: Flickr
Title: 11-20-05_1711.jpg

By: GinnyRED57
What about this box?

Originally uploaded: 20 Nov ’05, 11.14pm PST

Amazing Race: Fantasy Wish Fulfillment

Amazing Race 8 was preempted, forcing me to take drastic measues amuse myself” href=”http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/the_amazing_race_8/2005_Nov_16_fake_episode”>reality blurred Amazing Race 8 was preempted, forcing me to take drastic measues amuse myself

The TAR8 episode we’ll never get to see, courtesy of Reality Blurred, with awesome sock puppetry and cameos by previously eliminated, but much nicer contestants:

When the last team arrived, Phil said, “Weaver family, my pants are probably too tight for your tight-assness, and for anyone who values their eyesight. However, you are the last team to arrive. I’m sorry to tell you God has forsaken you and you have been eliminated from the race. You must now atone for your sins and apologize to everyone you have spoken nastily about, or else we’ll make you go home in the back of a garbage truck.”

Yesterday in the House

House Rejects Iraq Pullout After GOP Forces a Vote

Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) drafted a simpler resolution calling for an immediate withdrawal of troops, saying it was a fair interpretation of Murtha’s intent. Members were heatedly debating a procedural rule concerning the Hunter resolution when Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio) was recognized at 5:20 p.m. Schmidt won a special election in August, defeating Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett, and is so new to Congress that some colleagues do not know her name (and she is the most junior member of Congress – Blogula Rasa).

She told colleagues that “a few minutes ago I received a call from Colonel Danny Bubp,” an Ohio legislator and Marine Corps Reserve officer. “He asked me to send Congress a message: Stay the course. He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message: that cowards cut and run, Marines never do.”

Dozens of Democrats erupted at once, pointing angrily at Schmidt and shouting repeatedly, “Take her words down” — the House term for retracting a statement. For a moment Schmidt tried to keep speaking, but the uproar continued and several GOP colleagues surrounded her as she sat down, looking slightly dazed. Presiding officer Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) gaveled in vain for order as Democrats continued shouting for Schmidt to take back her words. Rep. Martin T. Meehan (D-Mass.) yelled “You guys are pathetic!” from the far end of the Democratic section to the GOP side.

Just as matters seemed to calm a bit, Rep. Harold E. Ford Jr. (D-Tenn.) suddenly charged across the aisle to the GOP seats, jabbing his finger furiously at a small group of GOP members and shouting, “Say Murtha’s name!” Rep. David R. Obey (D-Wis.), who had led the chants for striking Schmidt’s comments, gently guided Ford by the arm back to the minority party’s side.

At 5:31, when order was finally restored, Schmidt rose again and said softly, “My words were not directed at any member of the House.” She asked that they “be withdrawn” from the record.

Meanwhile, some Republican suggested an ethics investigation against Murtha, which is highly ironic considering that Miss Most Juniorest Member of Congress is already under investigation for ethics violations, as already noted in Quicklinks.

Please God, let the electorate remember that this “poison pill” bill was a complete twisting of Murtha’s original resolution, which called for withdrawal of troops as soon as practicable, rather than immediately. Thus the Dems were forced to vote down a resolution that was a noisome, disgusting mutation of the original Murtha entry. They howled, they screamed, they voted it down, knowing that this vote will be held against them in future campaigns for years to come.

Please, everyone, remember the dirty pool played by the Republicans. Remember that Murtha stood up to support the troops by calling for them to come home “at the earliest practicable date.”

An Omnibus of Random Thoughts

My grouchiness factor is pretty high; this has to do with a badly-designed technology “upgrade” that screwed up everyone’s macro keys, repeatedly. And of course, the “upgrade” runs like an overladen swallow on final approach to Mogadishu.

This grouchiness factor is abated once I get home, smooch David, and pick up Riley-the-kitty for a slouchy cuddle in the leather armchair.

Last night, I watched as two dry leaves skittered around in the wind under the crabapple trees as I left the office. As I got closer, I realized they were actually two tiny little rodents, skirmishing for the scattered fruit of the trees. It was really cold, and they were fearless with hunger, allowing me to approach to within a few feet while they munched busily away on the fruits. Then the bolder one finally scampered away under the bushes. So I pulled a few extra bunches of tiny red fruit down and put them on the ground where they’d be found and walked to my car. Behind me, the rodents skittered around again, fighting their tiny battle for the best, most nourishing fruit. At that distance, in that light, they looked like tiny leaves blowing around in the cold wind again. Something tells me we’re in for a hard winter, after having it so easy in the fall.

I can’t seem to blog much at home; something about being in the basement with the door shut (to keep Riley from coming downstairs and investigating his way into dangerous sump pump and ejector pits and things) gets to my allergies. We’re working out a way to increase the ventilation down there.

We’re also working on a better way to winterize the windows. Might try this “DIY magnetized storm windows” thing.

Note: allergies have been worse at work lately. For some reason, November must be “Wear Wretched Scents To Work Month.” Or perhaps it’s “Make Your Cow-orkers Sneeze Week.”

Things are getting interesting at Holy Moly. Some things are interesting in a good way. Other things are interesting in that “Chinese curse” way.

Something I’ve Been Mulling Over For A While

It has become increasingly clear to me as the years go by that I completely lack the decorator gene. Meaning, I only have a vague idea of style, color and form, so I rely on the copycat technique: when I see something I like on a show or in a store or in someone else’s home, I try to emulate it. This is why Trading Spaces was highly educational for me the first few seasons: there were many times when a decorator (NOT HILDY!) would explain the reasons behind their style or color choices, and my reaction would be a stunned “I did not know that.”

Now, it has also become abundandtly clear to me that I also totally lake the related “decoration gene.” This probably sits on the same allele or near the loci or some other Mendelian claptrap cobbled from CSI reruns on Spike TV. Anyway, I don’t put up seasonal decorations at all except for a tasteful array of Christmas ones. Apparently, everyone else in the world now puts up decorations indoors as well as outdoors for all major and minor feasts and holidays, including but not limited to “Winter, Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, Easter (with hanging eggs on bushes), Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Generic Summer, Halloween, and Thanksgiving,” and then after Christmas, the religious stuff comes down and the snowmen of Winter reign again. In talking with my cow-orkers, it seems everyone is all in a tig over when they’ll have time to get their Halloween decorations put away, their Thanksgiving ones perfected, and the exterior Christmas lights up. Then they proceeded to list all the holidays they decorate indoors for with figurines, banners, over-dressed fashion geese, and quaintly twee wall placards and garden-stake greetings. When I interjected “That’s odd, I don’t decorate at all for anything other than Christmas, and the box of decorations pretty much stays in the front hall all year,” they looked at me like I was some kind of weirdo.

I guess all those times I sneered at the Big House O’Inflatables and the foibles of my http://www.blogula-rasa.com/archives/000969.phpcow-orkers, it turns out I was the oddball.

As for the BHO’I, they’ve really dialed back on the lawn blimps the last year or so. In spite of my snarking about their display, I’d hate to think that they actually… became aware of it and were hurt or something. Maybe it was just the neighbors telling them it made their wimpy one-blimp displays look lame by comparison? They just had the Zombie Homer and the purple Shelob stunt-double up for Halloween, but I haven’t been by lately to see if they’ve replaced them with the Turkey yet. Last Christmess, they only had a few inflatables. We’ll see on that score later.

High Maintanance, Low Maintanence, NO Maintanance?

And one more thing, also probably related to the complete lack of decoration/decorator genes on my part: I am what you call a “no-maintanance” woman. I don’t buy slick glamour mags, I don’t shop for myself unless my jeans are more holes than denim, and I totally don’t get the whole toenail polish thing. I’m good to go if I brush my teeth and hair before leaving the house.

When I was in college, I wore makeup daily and changed my hairstyle occasionally; now I have long hair that doesn’t change (aside from the bright silver hairs that are now showing up more and more) and I don’t wear makeup very often at all. Never had a manicure or a pedicure in my life (and if you could see my hands and feet, you’d know I was telling the truth). I see women who pamper themselves with accessories and clothes and skin products and facials and all that at work and out and about, and wonder why they bother…I mean, they look all right, if a little artificial. And I am natural, to the point of colorlessness aside from the color of my hair and eyes. Everything else – lashes, skin, lips – is pale, pale, pale.

I look pretty different with makeup, but eh, I could give a rip. What’s the point? Why look different from who I am? That’s why I kind of boggle when I see women tarted up with flashy jewelry and splashy touches of gold on clothing and purses and shoes.

Not to mention the big big fake fake acrylic nails with little beach scenes and palm trees and fake sparkly inset jewels. That last thing is my biggest mind boggler. Do they think men think that’s sexy? Do men actually think that’s sexy? The cashier at the cafeteria at work is always waving her fake nails with a tacky beach scene. Actually, she’s been a series of nearly identically beautiful Latinas, who’ve all been very thin and very sexy and very fashionable, but every now and then they get replaced by another pretty, thin Latina. Also with fake nails and sometimes with belly rings, which are often visible as I’m paying for my popcorn shrimp or whatever.

I’ve never been comfortable with wearing anything strictly as an attention-getting device; I usually preferred to camoflage myself, now even more so as I’m in middle age. I guess I’ve never been comfortable with being the center of attention, unless I’m being comic. I guess that comes from a complete and total lack of self-confidence when it comes to things like appearance and self-image.

And that’s an omnibus of a whole ‘nother story.

I Like Murtha

CNN.com – White House: Murtha’s call is ‘surrender’ – Nov 18, 2005

“I like guys who’ve never been there who criticize us who’ve been there,” Murtha said. “I like that. I like guys who got five deferments and never been there and sent people to war and then don’t like to hear suggestions that what may need to be done.”

There’s a lot of fur flying in Washington DC over Rep John Murtha’s (D-PA) about-face; this hawkish, decorated Marine vet now says “It’s time to bring the troops home.” For making this statement, he’s been targeted for special treatment by Cheney, Bush and Company. The above quote is his spirited rejoinder to their attacks.

It must be noted that none of the highest officials in this administration served their country by going to war, managing to avoid it with deferments (Cheney) or National Guard duty (Bush – and as is widely reported, his record is sketchy).

Interestingly, the most awful insult they can think of is to compare a political opponent to Michael Moore and “the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic party.”

They slipped up there – they’re all supposed to call it the “Democrat party.” The memo from Rove will go out again later today.