I’m A Calvinist Too

‘Calvin and Hobbes’ Creator Finally ‘Speaks’ — in Book Intro

The Complete Calvin and Hobbes

The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
By: Bill Watterson

A new Calvin and Hobbes book? I’d better let AKMA know about this.

But, oh my GOD, it’s almost $95 dollars. Yes, it’s all the strips and Sunday panels and everything. But that’s a lot… yet we’re talking about Calvin and Hobbes here.

Damn. I already own 3 Calvin and Hobbes paperbacks that I occasionally crack open. I loves me some C&H (if you recall, an early graphic I used here was of Hobbes “blogging.”

Well, damn. It’s kind of hard to justify it. Damn, damn, damn.


I think we should all invest in hand sterilizer gel this year. And I think that if our Duh President is actually thinking ahead about a health threat, it’s a pretty damn scary one. He actually read a book recently about the great influenza pandemic of 1918 – the one my mom barely managed to survive when she was 3. She’s been telling me about that one all my life; there’s a china chocolate cup that she keeps in a special place on the hutch in the dining room. Apparently when she was so sick, she was given hot chocolate to drink out of that cup and cried. The cup was so pretty and delicate, she was sure she was a goner because they’d never let her use it for every day.

Chicago Tribune | President Cites Flu Epidemic Risk, Suggests Role for Troops

WASHINGTON — President Bush expressed concern Tuesday about the threat of a global flu epidemic and said Congress should consider letting the U.S. military play a broader role in enforcing quarantines and other emergency measures.

Bush said the possibility of a virulent new strain of avian influenza spreading rapidly around the world raised difficult questions about a president’s ability to direct an effective domestic response and the federal government’s authority to carry it out.

At work I’ve been kvetching about how closely packed we are now after the consolidation, and how as soon as flu season starts all the kids in day care are going to get sick, and then their parents will get sick but come to work anyway, and then the rest of us will get sick (but have the sense to stay home).

Then this morning, there were a couple of stories on NPR that got me thinking:

Health officials are recommending that high-risk patients, including the elderly and health-care workers get their flu shots early this year. But there is growing evidence that the best way to slow the spread of the flu would be to vaccinate young children.

And related stories:
CDC Issues Flu Vaccine Recommendations

Where Germs Lurk In Grade School – where we learn that teaching kids to wash their hands and not put their fingers in their noses will keep America safe.

My sister Timmy will correct me if I’ve screwed up yet another family anecdote. I hope Mom gets her flu shot as soon as possible, and that we do not have to get that china cup off the shelf anytime soon.

UPDATE: Oh, and this seems like a really good idea, doesn’t it?

Researchers reconstruct deadly 1918 flu strain

TAR In My Stats Page

I’ve been noticing for a while that various incarnations of Amazing Race drive readers to this blog – they search on team names, catch phrases, and occasionally on very odd but unique characteristics.

Some of which are a little obscure, unless you’re as obsessed with this show as I am.

Lori and Bolo TAR6: bolo s height 2 0.4 %
Pink Ladies TAR8: godlewski sisters 2 0.4 %
Brian and Greg TAR7: ugly hats 2 0.4 %
Linzes TAR8: linz shirtless amazing race 1 0.2 %
Linzes TAR8: linz shirtless 1 0.2 %
Brian and Greg TAR7: it is a very ugly hat 1 0.2 %
Brian and Greg TAR7: stackomatic 1 0.2 %
Brian and Greg TAR7: brian smith greg smith amazing race 1 0.2 %
Generic TAR3: the amazing race – season 3 1 0.2 %
Megan and Heidi TAR7: pinkbutt 1 0.2 %
Brian and Greg TAR7: brian and greg smith 1 0.2 %
The Rogerses TAR8: brock rogers on the amazing race 1 0.2 %
Kevin and Drew TAR1: amazing race season 8 kevin and drew hot dog 1 0.2 %
Kris and Jon TAR6: kris & jon 1 0.2 %
Hee hee hee!!! TAR7: go uchenna & joyce boo ray & deana 1 0.2 %
Carissa Gaghan TAR8: get used to it dork 1 0.2 %
TWOP: tarcon 1 0.2 %
Colin and Christie TAR5: my ox is broken 1 0.2 %
Funneee: TAR6: how can meredith & maria not drive stick? 1 0.2 %
TWOP: bomp amazing race 1 0.2 %
The Happy Boys TAR7: lynn and alex 1 0.2 %

The one that started all of this was “how can meredith and maria not drive stick?” which totally cracks me up. Other months have other, similar trends. For example, the Brothers Awesomov (Brian and Greg, TAR7 are consistently showing up in my stats, usually with the tag “shirtless” or “ugly hats” for their memorable exit ensemble strategery. I see a lot of broken oxen and so on. It interests me that TAR8, though not terribly good thus far, is already showing up – I guess the shirtless Linz brother made an impression. And Carissa has apparently had a hit with “get used to it, dork.”

Hey, people, if you really want to see TAR racers with their shirts off, head over to www.tarflies.com and start wading through their screencaps.

TAR: You’re Off The Hook This Week

Well, crap. I screwed up the priority on TiVo and Amazing Race: The Lame Edition didn’t record. On the other hand, we get to see Commander in Chief before Saturday, when it repeats. So every cloud has its silver lining.

Last season, and every season before that, this would have been a catastrophe on an epic scale, but this season? Meh. So I’ll just make a note of who left first, and who arrived last and got eliminated.

Godlewskis –
Departed Philadelphia: First. Arrived Middleburg, VA: Third
Gaghan –
Departed: Second. Arrived: Seventh (ooooh! Burn!)
Weaver –
Departed: Second. Arrived: First. Thank you, Jebus!
Rogers –
Departed: Third. Arrived: Last. Again, thank you, Jebus!
Schroeder –
Departed: Fifth. Arrived: Fourth.
Paolo –
Departed: Sixth. Arrived: apparently next to last. Dammit.
Bransen –
Departed: Seventh. Arrived: Sixth.
Aiello –
Departed: Eighth. Arrived: Fifth
Linz –
Departed: Dead last. Arrived: second.

Father, Son, and Holy Shit

Okay, usually I’m not one for seeing a lot of humor in blasphemy. But then I don’t see a lot of humor in intolerance from a son, when a famous father is known for… these types of things.

CNN.com – Franklin Graham sees?’revival’ for New Orleans – Oct 4, 2005

Graham, the son and designated successor of the Rev. Billy Graham, said he doesn’t believe the devastating storm was a punishment from God for what he sees as the city’s ties to satanic worship and sexual perversion.

“I’m not saying that God used this storm as a judgment,” Graham said.

But he said the city’s Mardi Gras revelry and ties to voodoo were adverse to Christian beliefs.

“New Orleans has been known for years as a party town,” Graham said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from his office in Boone, North Carolina. “It is a city that has strong ties to the gay and lesbian movement, and these types of things.”

On Monday, Graham delivered a similar message in an appearance in Lynchburg: “There’s been satanic worship. There’s been sexual perversion. God is going to use that storm to bring revival. God has a plan. God has a purpose.”

Graham’s comments, reported by The News & Advance of Lynchburg, were made at Thomas Road Baptist Church’s Super Conference 2005 at Liberty University. Both the church and the university were founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell.

Okay, if you know your fundie playbook, this was your cue for the leetle bitty hairs on the back of your neck to stand up.

I think I’ll try to contact an old friend in the Lynchburg area who may be feeling a little… besieged just now.

Sox Win!

Either way, I’m PSYCHIC.

Okay, the Chicago White Sox are playing the Boston Red Sox today, first game of the AL division championships. Several of my cow-orkers are very excited and nervous just now.

Actually, the White Sox were doing alright until just now when I walked into the break room to watch a couple of minutes with a rabid Sox fan. During the time it took to eat 1 (one) candy bar, 2 errors were committed and the Bosox scored 2 runs (with 2 outs and a man on). Gee, it was 6-0 Chisox when I unwrapped the candy bar, I feel like it’s my fault. Sorry, cow-orkers.

UPDATE: Top of the sixth inning, a couple of homers later it’s 12-2 Chisox. See what happens when I don’t watch?

UPDATE II: Final score appears to be 14-2, Chicago White Sox.

Smoke Over New York

A tanker truck exploded in flames in the Bronx a short time ago – I was watching live TV via CNN at lunch. They don’t know much about it and were carefully not saying “terrorism” or anything, but it’s totally disrupted traffic and rail in the Hunts Point area, near a bridge. Apparently Amtrak runs some trains near there and the power is out along the line. There may have been a second truck and it was probably just a collision, but still.

Smoke over New York? Not happy news at all.

Thankfully Brief Encounter

I was accosted just now in the cafeteria here at work; a rather odd young woman came up to me while I was looking at some new brand of energy drink called “lost.” I wondered aloud if the world really needed a beverage for fans of a TV show about people and polar bears stuck on a tropical island, and this woman decided I was her new bestest buddy.

She started asking me all kinds of nutritional and relationship questions and wondered what she should drink if she was too nervous to eat and feeling all quivery from adrenaline.

“Um, not a drink with a lot of caffeine. I’d probably have one of those nutritional breakfast shake things from the little Kwik-ee Mart down the hall.”

She went on talking about being totally in love while I smiled, nodded, and kept track of where the sandwich guy was in the process of building my BLT, while I was stuck over by the bevvy coolers. I noted an oddity; the young woman had a nasty horizontal scar on her face, right from the corner of her mouth. Actually, if I was a guy she was interested in, I’d be thinking “stalker” about then. She seemed altogether too fixated on the fact that she’d started a relationship at all, let alone one that only let her get 4 hours of sleep a night.

Finally, I was able to break away with the excuse that my sandwich was ready. I have no idea why this woman thought I, a rather too well-nourished pear-shaped type, would be qualified to advise her about her eating issues.

Okay, whatever. I was all “I have to go now,” in the end. It was just that odd. There might have been something clinical going on, but I’ll definitely be avoiding any further encounters, no matter how brief.

Sprog Of Steel

Chicago Tribune | Cage names kid after Superman

Nicolas Cage, who was once set to star in Tim Burton’s doomed Superman project, hasn’t let go of the Man of Steel.

The Oscar winner and his wife, Alice Kim Cage, became the proud new parents of Kal-el Coppola Cage on Monday morning, Zap2it.com reports

AAAAAAAAAA! I thought from the headline teaser that they’d named the baby after Chrisopher Reeve! AAAAAAAAAAA!

I officially feel sorry for this kid. No word on any superpowers as yet; those apparently develop at the time of puberty.