I Don’t Know About Being Cool

Dorothea sighs

All the cool kids are going to see Serenity. And I’m not. Because public transportation around here sucks beyond belief, especially on weekends.


We saw the Big Damn Movie earlier today. After all the lead-up, it was satisfying to see it all on screen, although David warned me the ending might not be completely to my liking. And he was right, but it also wasn’t the standard neatly wrapped package devoid of loose ends.

There was one sequence that seemed kind of unnecessary, and it’s not giving a spoiler away to mention that once again the climax of an SF TV show or movie ends up with a big action scene in a circular shaft containing a spinning spindle thing. However, even this convention did not turn out in the usual manner. What am I talking about? Think Tron. Think Empire Strikes Back. More movies than I can think of right now.

I went to the show wearing a purple corduroy shirt and brown pants. And there was Mal, wearing a burgundy shirt and brown pants. I felt like such a subtle fangirl.

The theater was only about a quarter full (or less). The music was pretty good, the sound effects great, the dialogue as good as the series. Before the previews, the interminable “videos” and ads played with the sound off. This gave us the opportunity to notice that the animated AMC Entertainment Card appears to ejaculate popcorn over the snack bar counter. We’d never noticed it before, because usually there’s music and the sound of popcorn popping.

There was a new “fake movie” trailer that’s actually a PSA for turning off cell phones. We were totally faked out; it started out to be a Lion King ripoff except with bald eagles. Not as good as the Russian peasants crying over their potatoes or the Native American warriors hunting buffalo.

After the movie was over, we drove back in the late afternoon sunlight, and I noticed a lot of people in pure white clothes playing some sort of game on a large stretch of grass near the theater. As we went by, I could see that it was cricket, and that everyone playing was in brilliant white, very correct and proper. There weren’t very many spectators, but the players seemed to be having a good time. Something happened as we passed and they clapped; I imagined they were all saying “Oh, well played” in a variety of different accents.

Oh, and then later we caught the Saturday repeat of “Commander In Chief” and put that on a season pass so we can watch it if it doesn’t conflict with Amazing Race. I liked it a lot, but was distracted by all the little bits that the conspiracy theorists are going to pick apart, looking for pro-“Hillary Clinton in ’08” fodder. It’ll be interesting what actual political independents think of the main character’s stance, since President “Mac” is supposed to be one.

Good thing her momma gave her such a good name, though. President “Buffy” wouldn’t go over so well.

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