
Today’s an interesting day, all right.

We’re hoping to visit Steve and hang out and see how he’s doing and what not. I was laughing earlier today, remembering when he and my husband David and I went out to dinner at Max and Erma’s up north, where Steve’s very cool nephew Benjy works. We have Benjy a ration of shit, and he very politely gave us a ration of shit right back, while taking care of our every niggling little request. That was a good time, I’ll remind Steve of that.

Serenity opens tonight and it sucks that Steve probably can’t go see it due to circs etc. etc. etc. It really, really sucks. But he can do that later this weekend or next week, maybe.


Then of course I’d much rather be at home playing with Riley and petting Riley and so on ad infinitum. He’s a very happy little guy and is eating well. He still gets all skittish if there’s an unexpected noise; he freaked out last night when David came upstairs noisily and opened the door from the basement Lair O’ Computers. Riley made the Cat maneuver equivalent to “Flee! All is lost! AAAAYIEEEEE!” and ran to his kitty hideout behind the living room couch. Then he strolled out a minute or so later to greet David affectionately, kind of like “Oh. You didn’t see me freak out just now, that was some other cat.”

Today’s also the last day in yet another pretty irritating work-week where a few too many people were unexpectedly unable to come in, in addition to people that were already expected not to come in. Almost every night, I’ve been stuck at work cleaning up other peoples’ records for at least an hour or more.

Except for the night we got Riley, of course. That night I declared my intention to leave on time and warned people that NO one would be watching their stuff. That seemed to get results, as there was only a tiny bit at the end of the day to clean up. 🙄

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One thought on “Today

  1. Weow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow.


    Well, that particular instance was just me showing you how fast I could move if I really needed to. You know, to get out of a burning building, or evading a falling meteor.

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