A young Nicaraguan man named Alvaro R. Morales Villa documented the New Orleans he has grown to love in an amazing, amazing, amazing series of photos at this Kodakgallery.com slide show. If you love good photographs that tell a compelling story, go to the site, change the settings to “5 second delay” (the longest, as there’s some text to read) and click “slideshow.” Because the young man spent so much time going around documenting New Orleans “before” and “after,” he inevitably fell in with journalists. The story he tells in pictures is incredible, but at some point he has to think about his own survival. How he gets out, and how he felt when he was in the area of the convention, has caused a lot of commentary to spring up on his share page.
UPDATE: The URL to Alvaro’s gallery changed but has now been updated. Yay!
I had to make some time to come back and re-watch the slideshow, because it froze up on me about 2/3 of the way through, before any of the images and captions that are the basis of the comments.
You may have seen some of these images on CNN or on another major news outlet – now you can see the whole thing.
Do you know what has happened to this photo essay?
I can not find it anywhere.
It has been taken off of that address
Whew!! It’s here. He must have renamed the set. The original URL I had was really weird. 8)
Thank you.
Are these pictures still available anywhere?
Yes, the link in the body of the post is still good: http://www.kodakgallery.com/alvaromoralesimages