Happy Birthday Murpheola Stocknottle

Mmmmm.... cake!

It really was a swell bash and a lovely party, and lots of friends and family came to my sister Timmy’s house to help Mom celebrate her 90th birthday, which we celebrated last Saturday. There was lots of great food, and clearly shown in this picture, plenty of drink (well, boxes of wine are kind of an inside joke in the family). I’ve uploaded all the photos (even the action-shotty ones) as a set on my Flickr page. There was even a fun game to play – some sort of “ring on a string” thing where a metal ring was suspended from a high branch on about a 15-foot cord, and the object was to swing the ring until it hooked itself on a target attached to the tree trunk. Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t impossible, though near the end of the party the only ones still playing it were the kids, owing to the rainstorm that came up after all the food and cake formalities had been gotten out of the way.

I even managed to hook the ring myself, and no one was more surprised as me; by then I’d had a couple of bottles of yummy Squatter beer. Good stuff, LeMaynard.

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One thought on “Happy Birthday Murpheola Stocknottle

  1. And much fun was had by all. I’ve sent the web site of the party pictures to the Wagers. Mom is still talking about the party — kinda like the photo of her and Aggie and Bev…. mouth open.
    As for the “boxes”…… we have one “partial” left, about 6 beers and 4 bottles of water. That’s got to say something!!! Would have had more beer but Ron and Tina stayed to help clean up.

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