Bush: No Bellus Interruptus For You

President George Bush has said he “sympathised” with the mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq but refused to heed her call to pull out the troops.

Speaking from his Texas ranch where Cindy Sheehan has been holding a roadside protest, Mr Bush said withdrawing would be a “mistake”.

Later in the story, Bush is quoted as saying he “thought long and hard about her position.”

There you have it: this President is screwing us all over. Hur, hurh, hurrrr.

Seriously, though, it disgusts me that he won’t meet with her and explain his “rationale” – the REAL one – for this war. At least he doesn’t trot out the tired old and thoroughly discredited propaganda about WMDs, links to the 9/11 terrorists, and teh Evil Saddam.

It’s not about our freedom. It’s not about democracy for the downtrodden Iraqi people. It’s not about fighting terrorism, because frankly we’re making new terrorists just by being there.

It’s a war of opportunity to secure that oil supply. Not only that, but we were wearing out our welcome in Saudi, and we needed a new base of operations in the area.

Jeez, that little bushwhacker has a hell of a nerve, yet he’s too chicken to meet with a middle-aged woman camping out in a tent.

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3 thoughts on “Bush: No Bellus Interruptus For You

  1. The bastard’s coming to SLC. All the dyed-in-the-wool idiot Republicans are soooooooo excited. Our neighbor, Al, is one of them. I told him if Osama was a Rebublican that the idiots in Utah would vote for him. And the beat goes on!!!

  2. You’re right. If Osama were to sneak into the country under an assumed identity as an American citizen, he would probably vote Republican.

    I can’t really see him voting Democrat.

  3. P.S. Oh, and you know only the died-in-the-wool types will be able to get tickets to public events with the Prez. His handlers are soooo careful to keep him free of the taint of people who don’t support him.

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