The Vacation President

Chicago Indymedia: newswire/61312

The local peace-and-justice folks pass along plans for today’s visit by President Bush to the Caterpillar plant in Aurora:

“War President? VACATION PRESIDENT!” That’s the main message. Bush tops vacation time of any pres while soldiers die. Be at the at the Caterpillar plant in Aurora, Illinois Wednesday Aug 10th 8:30AM, doors open 9, Bush speaks 11. South on Orchard Road at the intersection of rt30 and Orchard Road in S. Aurora. Main Entrance Caterpillar Drive. Questions: Tetricus at Yahoo dot Com.

Or at least, they were organizing it. A link for more information appears to be dead.

In any case, I’m not happy about Bush visiting because it’ll screw up air traffic (and car traffic) for much of the day.

Vacation President, heh. Sure, sure, he’s working while he’s away, but it looks bad that he’s about to set a record for “most days away from the White House” of any President. Sometime later this year, he will have spent a year of his time in office “on vacation,” with more than 3 years left in his term of office.

That’s just… an insult to working people.

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3 thoughts on “The Vacation President

  1. Hmm, let’s see: they have a pretty good chance of success if they guess “Crawford” no matter what time of the year.

    Also a decent likelihood if they guess “falling off a bike somewhere in the world.”

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