Sooo Sleepy


Katie the Wonder Dog came for a visit last weekend – actually, we had her for 3 nights starting on Thursday.

She took quite a liking to the soft velour cushions on the leather sofa. Yes, we’re quite the indulgent dogsitters when it comes to Katie’s comfort. She just looked so cute curled up into as small a ball as possible, so that she could fit on top of one cushion. We took a lot of pictures, with and without tripods and external flash and photographic whatnottery.

The last night, people in the neighborhood were shooting off fireworks, so she got a little anxious and dogged my steps (heh) late in the evening. Then we went upstairs and got ready for bed. David was already asleep, so I stumbled around a little in the dark before climbing aboard (the bed is kind of high).

HOP! Up came Katie, the surprisingly springy little old Wonder Dog.

PLOP! She curled up on David’s legs. He grumbled a bit in his sleep.

PLOP! She found a slightly more comfortable (and slightly less lumpy) position.

PLOP! She found an even more comfortable spot, stretched out beside me, strategically angled so she could get her belly rubbed.

PLOP! She abandoned the foot of the bed and curled up right in the crook of my arm, just where Stuey liked to curl up. This was the most convenient position of all for belly-rubbing. She stayed like that for a long time.

It’s been almost two years.

So I petted her and rubbed her belly and soon enough it was morning and time to say “go buh-bye in the car” to Katie. We’re already missing the pitter-patter of paws and the clickity-clack of claws. Maybe soon now we’ll get another pet of our own.

This image was sent from Flickr as a blog entry, email or cameraphone image.

Via: Flickr
Title: Sooo Sleepy

By: GinnyRED57

Originally uploaded: 8 Aug ’05, 1.31pm PST

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