• Notty Problems: Even Leaving Doesn't Solve Them

    Not So Fast: Our Growth Is Mything

    Okay, okay, my sister Timmy wanted me to be sure I saw this article. But clever me, I had already stumbled across it elsewhere (names changed to foil “religious extremist” Googlers): The claim that (Mmnsm) is the fastest-growing faith in the world has been repeated so routinely by sociologists, anthropologists, journalists and proud {Latte-less Aints) as to be perceived as unassailable fact. The trouble is, it isn’t true. Today, The (Charch of Latte-less Aints) has more than 12 million members on its rolls, more than doubling its numbers in the past quarter-century. But since 1990, other faiths – Seventh-day Adventists,…

  • Uncategorical Weirdness

    New Poll: Rucksack Paranoia

    This ad appeared in the London Metro free commuter newspaper on July 22nd. Uploader megpickard noted that it was “unbelievably crass.” Not only that, but it’s not big enough to hold all the “High rise ‘workers’ special’ smoke hoods” left over from 9/11. Plus, it’s way too small to hold a roll of duct tape, which not only seals windows and doors against smoke, gas, radioactive dust and biotoxins, but doubles as a handy restraint system for “violent extremists” whose plastic food containers full of explosives fail to explode. Darn those former terrorists and their faulty DIY bombs! Meanwhile, the…

  • Uncategorical Weirdness

    Notting Hill Gate

    This photo has been making the rounds via email and weblog and Flickr; Annie Mole and others are pretty sure it’s Photoshopped, but agree that if so it’s a great job. Of course, it might have been the work of a humorously disgruntled commuter on their way to a meeting, armed with a blue whiteboard marker. There are a couple of versions of it on Flickr, and one may be removed, so I hope I’ve linked to the one that survives. I suppose there will now be a run on commuter notices with amusing notices, since the fad for Photoshopped…