Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has resigned. I just happened to have an NPR webcast on and heard the Resident’s statement.
And Justice Rehnquist is stepping down any time now, too. The climate in this country is going to get remarkably stormy and dangerous for women whose birth control method fails them.
Thank God I got the snip, and I’m probably already past it anyway. But thank God.
I’ve already stopped by the NARAL Pro-Choice America website. They’re asking for people to contact our senators. If you have a story to tell, there’s a website called I’m Not Sorry.
It seems to me that we’re about to lose a lot of rights, priveliges and freedoms, and it’s not going to stop at just reproductive issues. I think the religious fundamentalists are going to stop at nothing before they impose their religion on all of us.
What other shit is about to hit the fan?
Originally, I was going to write a nice post about how much NPR means to me, and how on our various trips in the U.S., we find the local NPR stations so that we always take a piece of “home” with us.
I see that the Senate will now be voting on funding for NPR and PBS, so if you enjoy commercial free radio and great music on your local public station, please consider emailing or writing your senator expressing your support.
When we’re in Colorado, we listen to KUNC. This goes right back to our “second date,” which was a trip to Boulder and Rocky Mountain National Park. David lived in Chicago, I lived in Seattle, and our first date was his visit on Memorial Day weekend in 1995. That July, we met up and had a wonderful 10-day road trip all around Colorado. We happened upon KUNC because it was on the clock radio in our room at the Alps, and we found that we could tune it in all over the state because of their network of repeaters.
I’d give copious amounts of money to any organization facilitating snips for women who want them.
And I gotta say, you’d have to be INSANE to be a sexually-active woman and not want a snip right now.
(Got mine too. So very very glad of it…)
Snip, snip, snipperoo! We’re a marital non-reproductive household!