Firefly Returns, Sith Happens

FIREFLY (FOX) – The Sci Fi Channel has landed the repeat rights to all 15 hours of the short-lived FOX series (and basis of the upcoming “Serenity” feature film). The network’s July schedule lists the series as joining its Friday lineup on July 22 at 7:00/6:00c where it will precede original episodes of “Stargate SG-1,” “Stargate Atlantis” and “Battlestar Galactica.

Via ***Dave :: Shiny!


Can I get a “woot?!?” We’ve been pining for new episodes of Stargate and Atlantis and now we will be in the habit of re-watching Firefly again. Yes, yes, we already have the DVD, but sometimes we re-watch stuff that shows up on TiVo that we already have on DVD. We’re weird like that.

Anyway, hurray for the return of Firefly. September 30th is the day the Big Damn Movie comes out. And speaking of which, the Browncoats are printing off these flyers from and handing them out to Star Wars fans. Go to their website, download the .zip or .png high-resolution image, copy it off, hand it out to that guy in the high-quality Stormtrooper armor and the blue-skinned girl with noodles on her head. They’ll thank you for it later.

Speaking of Star Wars, we’re planning on going to see it tonight or this afternoon after the exciting arrival of a plumber to give us an estimate on putting in a battery-powered sump pump backup. Ah, the days of my youth in the summer of 1977, when my only worry was whether I could stand it until I returned to college that fall so I could talk to my fellow SF-geek friends about the movie.

When, many years later, my husband David and I went to the midnight premiere of “Episode I,” we called one of my college friends (Hi, Arne!) on the cell phone at the moment the movie sound track started, so Arne could hear the cheers of the crowd when the screen flashed blindingly bright and John William’s familiar horn-forward orchestral “WHAM!” kicked in with the main theme. Arne loved the soundtrack and used to play it endlessly in his dorm room. Good times. The movie was in some ways great fun, and in other ways a disappointment (yes, yes, Jar Jar ruined nearly every scene he was in except for the battle with the exploding boingity-boingity globe things).

When “Episode II” came out, we didn’t bother with the midnight showing. In spite of much critical and fan panning of that movie, still found much to enjoy (except for the icky love story stuff. Ick.). This time around, we also didn’t bother with the midnight premiere. We’ll go today. It’s not as fun as going on opening day, when more people are in costume, but it’s still fun enough. I’ll probably have more (a lot more) to say about the movie later.

For now, let’s play a little game called “Awful Lines From Star Wars,” shall we? It’s adapted from something I picked up from reading Edmund Crispin’s The Moving Toyshop. Earlier this morning, NPR replayed a part of an interview by Terry Gross of Carrie Fisher, where the former Princess Leia was asked what was the worst line she’d had to deliver in the first movie. Her prompt reply: “I have placed information vital to the Rebellion in the memory systems of this ‘droid unit.” There was actually a lot more that she could still quote verbatim. Later, the Saturday morning guy on WBEZ commented that his favorite bad line from the new movie is “Hold me… like you did by the lake at Naboo.” Oy, that’s truly awful.

So: what’s your favorite awful line from Star Wars?

David’s is “That’s not a moon… that’s a space station!”

Mine is “It’ll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the navi-computer.” Not even a young Harrison Ford as the hyper-studly Han Solo can make that line thrilling.

Interesting that neither one of us wanted to touch anything from any of the newer movies. They just don’t have the same resonance on the Cheez-o-meter for us yet.


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3 thoughts on “Firefly Returns, Sith Happens

  1. Actually we just got back from Ep III. Some cool, much ick. Generally disappointed. We’ve already rewritten several plot points in our heads so that it makes more sense.

    Cheesiest line is actually one that is NOT in episode iii, but it was in the book version. We were gripped with fear that it was actually going to be in the movie. Anakin says “When the force closes a hatch, it opens a viewport”

    We actually started to rewrite the lyrics to other bits of Sound of Music. “I am 900 going on 901!”


  2. Ugh, that’s absolutely wretched! David’s reading the book now. He keeps saying things like “Shall we go and give George Lucas his due?” so that I know I’m being encouraged to drag myself away from the fascinations of computer, CSS, Flickr, and so on (wait! I’ve almost got it figured out! noooo, don’t drag my chair away…)

    Maybe I’ll try recasting it as a movie-length Iron Chef:

    “Kenobi-san! Is that a light-sabre, or a food mill?!?”

    “Use the forcemeat, Luke.”

  3. well, i saw the first one, but heck that was almost 30 years ago! I then decided I would wait for them to invent DVDS so I could watch them all together in 31 years. it’ll be the new Rocky Horror.

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