Air Force Academy Chaplain Challenges Proselyters

Colorado Springs is a very, very, very religious place, and the Air Force Academy is a little too cozy with the leadership of Focus on the Family, the Navigators (knew one in college… very scary) and the Officer’s Christian Fellowship.

The academy had that little rape problem a while back, and now apparently they have a little religious intolerance problem, too. When a recent tolerance program was shown to a ranking officer, he responded “Why is it that the Christians never win?”

A study conducted by the Yale Divinity School (another hotbed of mainline, non-evangelical, non-fundamentalist theological error) noted the entrenched Academy culture presented “challenges to pluralism.”

Captain Morton said she had decided to step forward without authorization from the public affairs office because: “It’s the Constitution, not just a nice rule we can follow or not follow. We all raised our hands and said we’d follow it, and that includes the First Amendment, that includes not using your power to advance your religious agenda.”

She added, “I realize this is the end of my Air Force career.”

Yes – she’s a mainline Christian Lutheran chaplain, and they don’t want her kind in the modern evangelical US Luftwaffe, anyway.

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4 thoughts on “Air Force Academy Chaplain Challenges Proselyters

  1. regardless of how creepy they may be, the navigators do have a lovely place to stay when passing through – directly adjacent to the garden of the gods. as long as no activities are going on simultaneously (if there are they generally don’t have rooms, anyhow), it makes for a scenic and peaceful evening . i’ve stayed in room 307.

  2. Hey, Leibniz!!

    I can believe it. My mom was raised in Colorado Springs, and she still talks about how beautiful it was there.

    It certainly sounds like an interesting place for a retreat, but the mental image of the guy I knew would probably still send me down the road – maybe to the Broadmoor Hotel, if only Glenn Miller were still playing there.

  3. ahh, the broadmoor – another favorite. i love it there, but sometimes you just want to go somewhere a little more quiet.

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