Okay, this is what I was faced with yesterday – a borrowed car that was somehow even dirtier than mine. We were in the process of selling my, so to further that goal I swapped cars with a prospective buyer. Although he did not ultimately buy it, he did find someone else who will, so it’s all good. I got my car back today, but I won’t be driving it anymore… it’s suddenly turned into my old car much quicker than expected.
Bill Murray: Father Guido Sarducci was among the two hundred and forty traveling press people who covered the Pope’s United States tour. I bet it was quite a thrill. How did it go, Father? [Cheers and applause as we pan over to the gentle, cigarette smoking, Italian-accented Father Guido Sarducci, gossip columnist for the Vatican newspaper.] Father Guido Sarducci: It was. It was a real thrill, Bill. It was just terrific. But now I’m a little down. I have what my psychiatrist calls “post-papal depression.” … Was such a high, you know, bein’ on that tour and now it’s over.…
First, I see this: Get Fuzzy And I think, "Marmot? We've got one around here somewhere." And then I see this, and think: One of our marmots is missing. And that, all three of you who aren't spamming my referral logs, is how my mind works. Thank you, I'm here all week.
The recaplet is up: Adventures in Botswana continue as the teams start with a clue hunt that sends Brian and Greg into a spin. From there, they head to a Detour that includes goat-milking and the fine art of carrying stuff on your head. Ron and Kelly bicker their way through the goat-milking, while Lynn digs himself into a controversial hole with a crack about Uchenna and Joyce being “born to” carry things on their heads. Oh, and Rob and Amber are highly functional and work their way into first place again. The Roadblock involves dragging logs and driving through…
Dammit. JUST… dammit. TWOP: “Houston, We Have An Elephant.” Something went horrible-pearsheaped with the Brothers, who weren’t that far behind the two trailing teams at the outset, but went wrong and wandered around aimlessly for a little too long. The editing made it clear that all the preceding teams watched carefully for little yellow-and-red route markers attached to roadside bushes, and the Brothers Awesomeov never remarked “oh, there’s a marker,” so I think they took a wrong turn. As they remarked on discovering their error, “We are idiots.” Where the hell was the damn bunching?? Where the hell was flying…
I suppose you could say this is a culture of death, too. And an unembalmed one, too. And the funeral is not until Friday? Um. Not weak-tummy safe, that last link. But quite useful for watching the next new episodes of CSI:Whichever.
I hate when the terrorists mock us with the annoying “neener neener.”
Here is a brilliantly insightful analysis of the past two weeks’ worth of breaking, world-shaking news; I can’t bear to cut a single word: TERRI SCHIAVO IS DYING! HER TUBE’S BEEN REMOVED, FOR GODSSAKES! THE SCHINDLERS ARE UPSET! HERE THEY ARE, BEING UPSET! MORE ON THAT IN A MINUTE! ALSO, WHAT’S UP WITH THAT MICHAEL SCHIAVO? WHY DOES HE WANT HER TO DIE!!!?? the US military killed a couple dozen of its prisoners in Iraq, by the way, and – OHMYGOD – MICHAEL JACKSON’S WEARING PAJAMAS!! THE MAN’S WEARING PAJAMAS TO COURT! HAVE YOU EVER HEARD SUCH A THING? WHAT…
Within the legal limits: At least one legislator promises to vote against any bills targeting poker houses. "What I know about those clubs is that you are not gambling," said Rep. Greg Hughes, R-Draper, who has played at Big SLC on three occasions, but is obviously uncomfortable talking about it. "I enjoy poker. . . . Recreationally, of course. . . . Within the legal limits," he said between long pauses. The clubs "deserve as little government intervention as any other law-abiding club or group." Former Republican legislator David Zolman plays once a week and ranks in the top 20…
Here are some tips for those ready to begin research into whether this is the car for them. Personal research is all-important because many Ford dealer salespeople are not knowledgable about the FEH. Learn everything you can learn from the ‘official’ hybrid vehicle manufacturer websites such as the Ford Hybrid, Toyota, and Honda websites. This will give you a bit of understanding about what a hybrid is and some assorted terminology. Using browser search tools, find online discussion groups and join in the chatter. There is a wealth of positive and negative information from real people. Note: one of the…