Congratulations, Kevin Sites

As seen at Boing Boing: Kevin Sites wins 2005 Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism.

This is great news, and very much deserved. I’ve been a reader of Kevin Sites‘ blog since before the “incident” that put him in the hot story, in addition to reporting it.

The award will be presented at the University of Oregon J-school on May 12. As a Duck myself, I’m doubly glad and proud. And if Kevin Sites sees this – go to Taylor‘s and have a beer. Well done you.

Connecticut Connects The Dots

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Keith Choate and Mark Ceneri turned to each other, grinning. Then they embraced. State representatives had just voted 85-63 to allow same-sex civil unions, something Choate and Ceneri had been waiting for since they became a couple five years ago. The state Senate passed a similar measure last week.

“We wanted something that was meaningful,” said a beaming Choate. “We wanted something that was real.”

The House action on Wednesday came after more than six hours of debate, much of it centered on adding a definition of marriage – the union of a man and a woman. Gov. M. Jodi Rell praised the lawmakers for approving what she called “a stronger and clearer” bill and vowed to sign the proposal if senators sign off on the amended version.

If the Senate does agree to the legislation, Connecticut becomes the first state to voluntarily establish civil unions. Court rulings – handed down in lawsuits brought by gay and lesbian couple – mandated civil unions in Vermont and gay marriage in Massachusetts.

So – civil union for gays: check. Definition of marriage as between a man and a woman: also check. Is everybody equally happy and irked? Check.

As ***Dave notes, it’s a good law that both pleases and pisses off opposing viewpoints.

Lucked Out In Lucknow

It’s time to go to India again, and you know what that means. Harrowing driving! A Roadblock of the needle-in-a-haystack variety requires patience and an orderly approach and, in Gretchen’s case, a lot of head-scratching and spinning around. Oh, and there’s a Yield, but no one uses it. The Detour entices all five teams to take on the task of serving tea to a collection of Indian bureaucrats (really!), and chaos ensues. Meredith and Gretchen fall behind by a large margin in a short time and trail all day, leaving us all to speculate about whether they’re about to lose the cute little backpack that Gretchen just bought. But, wonder of wonders, when Rob and Amber finish the leg first (again), they learn from Phil that there’s no greeter and no pit stop — they just get another clue and keep going. To Be Continued! Sigh.


Whoa – only a grade “B” episode according to the running poll. I’m still sort of irked at the incredible spoonfed flight to India. These people have never booked their own travel to date, except for that little flight between Mumbai (yes, that’s Bombay, Rob) and Lucknow. Jeez! These people would get their asses handed to them in an airsick bag if they ever went up against just about any well-regarded team from past seasons, and a couple of hated teams, too!

And also there’s a recap for the “clip” show, “They Saved The Eyeball.”

But thank goodness, the excellent folks at saw fit to put the Amazing Double Browpop up as the image for this episode.

Double Eyebrow Popalooza!

AAAAAAAAAAAH! A double leg on TAR7! With a “To Be Continued” after a totally bitchin’ fakeout flip-flop floozy on the floy floy. It ended with Rob and Amber trotting triumphantly up to Phil on the roof of a Lucknow apartment block. There they were hit with a giant double-eyebrow pop, no pit stop and no hot greeter, just

I gotcher clue right here,
its name is just Sameer,
and there’s no 12 hour rest for you, dear.
Can you? Can you?
Keep racing or not, can you?”

Holy cow. Pooooor Rob and Amber. Sucks to be them, they thought they were winning yet another trip which they can enjoy after the race.

Gretchen and Merideth are still trailing, but they’re not dead yet. Of the rest, Uchenna and Joyce still look strong. Lynn and Alex are flagging, but still trying to have a little fun. Ron and Kelly are ready to go “kablooey.”

The finale is supposed to be May 10, and we have a number of weeks to get through with just 5 teams left. DAMMIT. I wish last week had been non-elim. Two more non-elim legs to go, too.

I’m Going To Bed

Build error in template ‘books’: Error in MTBookQueueEntries tag: Error reading XML content: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 24, column 19, byte 907 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/XML/ line 187.

Well, my bookqueue is somewhat messed up, and I can’t get it to finish updating until my dear in-house geek looks at this error message.

And yeah, I should probably just leave it until the upgrade is done.

Speaking In (Pirates) Tongues, Or Talk Like One

A Guys Guide to Talking Like a Pirate

Well Blow Me Down:
A Guys Guide to Talking Like a Pirate,
by John Baur, Mark Summers

Another book for the pirate-obsessed: Well Blow Me Down: A Guy’s Guide To Talking Like A Pirate. I can’t add this to my bookqueue yet (error: something about the ISBN number makes the baby Jesus cry) and I’m happy to say that Erik Benson is gradually bringing back from the dead, so I’ll stash it there. I use both Bookqueue and because sometimes one works when the other doesn’t. Also, I just like the way Allconsuming encourages happy bloggy goodness between bookloving bloggers.

ETA: Added to Bookqueue. Weird. Now if only I could get into my account – but Erik’s probably a little busy.

Bookqueue Changes

Very soon now, I’ll upgrade to MT3.whatever, and then I’ll be able to install BookqueueToo. When I do, I’ll be upgrading my Bookqueue page and adding one for the Holy Moly blog. Currently it’s basically a static page with each division of books (reading, read, to be read) in a standard blog entry div, with a right-aligned sidebar. And all the books are in one long vertically aligned list. I’d rather go with a block of images from left to right for the next iteration, rather like at kwc blog: Reading List, but with a short amount of text associated with each book cover (title, author name).

All the books have Amazon tags, and any sales via the links or the search boxes benefit Holy Moly, which is in rather… dire financial straits at the moment. It seems the village has enacted some sort of plumbing code, and we have to come up with about a thousand bucks to get special cutoff water valve doohickies installed. Meh. So I’ll be adding a lot more Amazon-linked books to both blogs, because every little bit helps.

David’s New Car

Ford Escape Hybrid

Yes, that’s David’s new car, a Ford Escape Hybrid. We just drove it home from Woodfield Ford, and frankly, we’re in shock. In a good way. Because we got a good deal and we didn’t have to wait weeks and weeks and weeks for delivery, like some new hybrid owners.

First off, what’s a hybrid? It’s a partly gas-powered, partly battery powered car. There’s different kinds of technology involved; this particular vehicle has what’s called a “first generation” power plant. The Ford site explains how it works

We weren’t planning on driving the demo car off the lot, but that’s what happened. We drove the same vehicle last weekend, and it was the last of a batch of 4 or 5 that the dealership had gotten in – the other cars sold quickly, this one did not for some reason. It had been on their lot for maybe a month.

We thought we’d be checking availability of a car in a different color, with a different set of options (there were several kind of expensive options on this car that we didn’t want). In the end, we negotiated a pretty fair deal – slightly under MSRP, in spite of the team leader guy (who took over negotiations for his relatively inexperienced salesman) saying that there was normally a steep “marketing surcharge.” Supposedly this “marketing surcharge” was $5000, which he’d gotten from his last customer. Um, we didn’t quite believe that. We stuck to our guns, and when it came down to a difference of just $100, David said “It’s the principle.” That’s when I piped in with, “well, again, we had a different color in mind, with only the options we wanted, and not with the ones we don’t care about. We could always start fresh and have you check availability for what we’re looking for, and get an idea of how long the wait would be. We’re in no hurry to take delivery.” I actually had to chime in with that twice, because the negotiations went about 3 rounds. I think they were expecting me to take the “Honey, it’s only a hundred bucks” route.

Man, it was good when the manager guy caved. They really wanted to sell that car, they really wanted to make the first sale of the day, they really wanted to ring the little ship’s bell. And we got all these cool options that we “didn’t really want” without having to pay for them. Heh. Plus we got the option we did want after all, which is a 6-CD changer/nav system/energy output display.

I get to drive the RAV4, which I now rechristen “Ravi Gincar.” The Corolla 5-speed is being sold to someone for their daughter – she’ll have fun driving it. So it’s all good. We financed just by increasing our home equity line of credit, so David wrote a check for the full purchase price on the HE account, and so the interest is tax-deductible. There’s still a $2,000 tax credit this year for hybrids.

So yeah, it’s a win all around, except maybe for the car dealership, though who knows what their actual dealer cost is. They probably still made out okay, just not at highway robbery levels. Actually, except for a certain amount of grumpiness that we weren’t going for any of the after-deal stuff like “Protector” sealant or financing, they dealt pretty fairly with us. Ask for Anton or Don at Woodfield… they’ll probably try to pull the “marketing surcharge” thing, but might be more willing to deal if they have a vehicle on the lot that’s been there more than a week. We estimated from the mileage that our Escape had been test-driven by at least 10 other people.

There are buyer incentives for the regular Escape but not for the Hybrid, so if you’re looking for a gas/electric car, be prepared to stick to your guns and make it clear you’re willing to wait for what you want IF you’re actually okay with whatever vehicle they have on the lot.

That’s a lot of looky-lous.