Headscratching Mode

It’s a process. David has installed MT3.15 and with his help I’ve got a beta site working, more or less. I haven’t decided if I’ll go to a radical style re-design or not. He also installed BookqueueToo and that seems to be working, finally. The stumbling block with that was not only did I need to request a new web services subscription ID from Amazon, I also had to go in and change the Amazon associates ID, both of which are configured via different screens. And cleverly, the BookQueueToo developer had substituted his own associates ID as the default. But now, I’m able to add things like CDs and DVDS to my Bookqueue page.

I need to figure out a few more things. Like why my sideblog isn’t coming over. But that’s for later.

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2 thoughts on “Headscratching Mode

  1. You need to be more careful about the software versions you talk about … while you weren’t looking, someone (quite sneekily) upgraded you to MT 3.16 🙂

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