I’m Going To Bed

Build error in template ‘books’: Error in MTBookQueueEntries tag: Error reading XML content: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 24, column 19, byte 907 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/XML/Parser.pm line 187.

Well, my bookqueue is somewhat messed up, and I can’t get it to finish updating until my dear in-house geek looks at this error message.

And yeah, I should probably just leave it until the upgrade is done.

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2 thoughts on “I’m Going To Bed

  1. Yikes! Sorry this took so long to find in the “moderation queue.” The notification thingy that’s supposed to email me when someone is nice enough to comment is Le Broke.

    Anyway, once the upgrade was more or less successful, I found somewhere that Amazon occasionally and arbitrarily decides not to serve content once a site has exceeded some secret limit of requests, and this error is evidently the result. If you wait a day or so, it will just start working again. Sometimes, in order to get my whole site to rebuild, I would have to uncheck the “rebuild automatically” box on my Bookqueue template for that time.

    I haven’t seen that error since the upgrade, though. It looks like your site’s Bookqueue is working (much nicer design than my kludgefest, by the way).

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