Heartbreak Ensues

The recaplet is up:

Adventures in Botswana continue as the teams start with a clue hunt that sends Brian and Greg into a spin. From there, they head to a Detour that includes goat-milking and the fine art of carrying stuff on your head. Ron and Kelly bicker their way through the goat-milking, while Lynn digs himself into a controversial hole with a crack about Uchenna and Joyce being “born to” carry things on their heads. Oh, and Rob and Amber are highly functional and work their way into first place again.

The Roadblock involves dragging logs and driving through water, and it turns out to be surprisingly uneventful, except for the teams who don’t properly complete it. Both Meredith and Gretchen and Uchenna and Joyce are sent back after arriving on the mat, but both manage to solve their problems fairly quickly. Not so Brian and Greg, who appear to be well behind for the entire leg, so severe was their mishandling of the very first clue.

They decide to hope for a non-elimination and show up at the mat wearing only swimsuits and warm hats (heh), daring Phil to leave them to soldier on with nothing but that to their names. Heartbreak ensues when it is not, in fact, a non-elimination round, and the brothers are sent home. Well, at least they outlasted Ray and Deana.


Well, this is how I choose to remember them – going out proud, comfortable, and endearingly wacky. Online fans are devastated, and the fans at work are sad, yet laughing over the boys’ exit strategery.

The recap for last week’s show is here.

The excellent TARflies survived a thunderstorm warning and uploaded the screencaps already.

And the CBS Early Show clip (Greg looks pretty good in that beard)is also now up. Again with the fashion sense – Brian’s got some sort of “Follow Me To The (something? Bar?)” hoodie, but Greg is surprisingly well turned out in a sport jacket.

And yes, the horrible, horrible furry flappy hat reminds me of Ignatius J. Reilly.

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