Brothers Awesomov! NOOOOOOOOO!

Dammit. JUST… dammit.


TWOP: “Houston, We Have An Elephant.”
Something went horrible-pearsheaped with the Brothers, who weren’t that far behind the two trailing teams at the outset, but went wrong and wandered around aimlessly for a little too long.

The editing made it clear that all the preceding teams watched carefully for little yellow-and-red route markers attached to roadside bushes, and the Brothers Awesomeov never remarked “oh, there’s a marker,” so I think they took a wrong turn.

As they remarked on discovering their error, “We are idiots.”

Where the hell was the damn bunching?? Where the hell was flying to another country and more airport bunching?

On the upside, the boys probably enjoyed the remainder of their time in Sequesterville, since they were pretty friendly with Megan and Heidi.

But… dammit. Still, how awesome was it that they decided to just strip, put on the dorkiest Ocean Pacific neon splatterprint swim trunks of 1985, their ugly sunglasses, the “Where’s Waldo’ winter knit hat we’d already seen, and a furry earflap hat… and go to the mat, expecting to be either eliminated or mugged.

Damn, they looked good, too. Several women on the TWOP boards are openly posting “Brian, Greg… call me” messages.

Damn, who will bring me my funny snarky sexy dorkiness each week? And what the hell did they have in their backpacks?

However, there was much good funny animal footage, and hoofage, and slitherage, and pawage. My favorite was the editorial goat, who dumped a big steaming load of pellets load RIGHT ON CUE, right on camera, just as that dastardly stinker Rob made a face as he milked industriously away at her no-doubt aching teats. Oh, thank you God. I owe You one.

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