Furrow’s Last Hurrah

UPN released details of the upcoming back-to-back series-ending episodes of its canceled Star Trek: Enterprise, which will air in May.


UPN released details of the upcoming back-to-back series-ending episodes of its canceled Star Trek: Enterprise, which will air in May. I have fallen out of the habit of watching Enterprise – even though I think it’s really started to pick up energy and better writing and so on, I just… got bored with the endless Xindi storyline. And also, even though I like Scott Bakula’s work a lot and admire his approach to the character of Archer, I also lost interest, mostly due to what I started calling the “Pollyanna In Space,” terribly earnest aspect of Archer’s personality.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that over on TWOP, the character’s nicknames are either “Captain Quantum” or “Furrow.” It’s affectionate snark, but it’s also plain-vanilla snarky snark.

Although… I will miss cute li’l Porthos the cheese-eating, fart-pooting Space Beagle and the way T’Pol’s nose would quiver in subtly telegraphed disgust every time she was in Archer’s cabin.

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