Ride On, Ride On, Ride On

Amazing Race stuff! Yeah!

susan_index.jpgOkay, the recap for last week’s episode brought back searing memories of far too much fly-blown, seared meat, organs and glands. Gah. But it was funny, so go read it. I just can’t quote it here, or I’ll have to go find a charming Argentinian bucket.

This week: another very, very short leg. One internal flight, with – AGAIN! – spoon-fed air schedules. There’s never been a season of TAR where the teams didn’t start to do their own airport “work” so late, as far as I know. What’s the dealio? Half the comedy and drama is in watching people helplessly and haplessly try to figure out the fastest way from Point A to Point B.

There were eight teams to start with, and now there are seven. Yay! And a very much deserved elimination it was, too.

And now, a quick rundown of the standings, using my patented Moodulation technology. The person in bold took the Roadblock for the team (remember, each person can only take 6, but it’s too early for that to be a factor).

Rob and Amber 👿 Good racers, but so goddamn smug.
Brian and Greg 8) I love these guys. They so rock.
Uchenna and Joyce 🙂 Joyce got right back on that horse – twice.
Ron and Kelly :confused: She can’t do math, he can’t read Spanish.
Lynn and Alex 😉 Steady on, boys. Race more, rant less.
Ray and Deana 😡 She should have ridden her horse’s ass.
Meredith and Gretchen 🙂 Way to go, Team Penultimate!
Susan and Patrick 😯 Vaya con Dios, y gracias a Dios.

In closing, I’d like to nominate Ray (and Deana) for elimination next. Boy, that guy worked up a big head of karmic steam tonight, ranting on being stuck with the bottom feeders and the “old couple.”

Next week is a two hour special… it’s rumored to be either another “uberleg” with two sets of Detours and Roadblocks, or a non-elim episode followed immediately by an elim one. So we’ll see.

In the previews for next week, Greg and Brian roll their jeep over
(they seem to be driving somewhere with right-hand controls – Africa?). And another team’s video crew catches them immediately afterwards, picking over their gear (and their own crewmember is clearly visible). It looks like they’re okay, but it’s hard to tell.

As I said on the thread for this episode, it’s all about The Dork Brothers for me now. I love me some Dorks.

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