Rambling Rambling Rambling

This post is going to be a little like a Steve Martin monologue from the 70’s – a lot of pickin, grinning, and ra-a-a-a-a-m…blinnnn. And bad fashion. Just so you know.

I haven’t been terribly productive around the house for, oh, a little over a year now. Which is just about exactly when I started the blog, coincidentally, but never mind about that now. Really, it started before that. No, wait, I’ve never been terribly productive around the house. I was more productive when Stuey (who now inhabits the Memorial Tea Caddy on the mantelpiece) was around, because I kind of had to be – you can’t let things slip too much when you’ve got a diabetic cat to look after. Also, we did a lot more projects around the house last year and the year before – after pulling off a successful party last spring about this time, we’ve kind of rested on our laurels as far as redecorating, buying furniture, and projects go (I still have to figure out how to finish up the one floor project, which is down to door jamb, trim, and some niggling bits where I may have to piece it together like a wooden quilt, especially in the closet).

So I’ve mostly concerned myself, since then, with screwing around with the blog(s), fooling around with photos and the new digital camera, and watching my favorite TV shows. Oh, and work. But that’s a necessary evil. And church, but that’s a necessary good. And travel, but that’s necessary for my own sanity.

Stuff that’s going on this week:

  • my husband David, iSeries blogger, is attending a convention downtown this week
  • I’ve been catching up on TiVo with David gone in the evenings. Whoa, that Josh Bernstein is totally hawt! Though I do wonder about his research… but that doesn’t matter, he’s totally hawt!
  • I made up some flyers in little hanging pouches with the Holy Week schedule of services and distributed them to people at Holy Moly and also posted them at places like Caribou Coffee and the grocery stores. No more paid ads for us: this is way cheaper and gets more response, as we found at Christmas
  • I finally watched a Stargate / Atlantis “Behind the Gate” thing that featured the fanguy that shows up on the Conan O’Brien show now and then. Since then, every SG1 TiVo picks up seems to have this same fan guy in it. It’s weird. But beyond that, almost all the men in the two shows are totally hawt!… except for when the weird fan guy shows up in cameos, that is.
  • I probably read too much news from sources outside the US. This is probably why I am unhappy with our government. I should just watch FOX news and be happy. Why do I hate America so much?
  • A friend from Holy Moly got through surgery recently. Whew. Enough said.
  • Another friend from Holy Moly is still in “Medihell” waiting for a Dx (diagnosis). Think good thoughts.
  • I was out running around late last night dropping off aforementioned flyers. As I made my turn for home, I noticed a dead cat in the road. Felt very, very low the rest of the evening, as of course it brings up the “oh, I wish I could have rescued it” feelings. The corpse was still there this morning. Poor kitty.
  • I finished reading Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell at last. I feel as if I’ve been dreaming with my eyes open while reading it. It’s an amazing tour de force. Yes, it’s a huge, long read – if you’re the sort of person that needs to “see picture” when you read, you’d best wait until the movie comes out. It’s quite cerebral, but not in the intellectual sense; it seems to connect directly with the subconscious. The ending is satisfactory, but not in the hackneyed, “loose ends neatly tied up” sense.
  • I made bread today. At least, I hope I made bread. I set up the bread machine to make it while I was at work. At least, I hope I set the timer right. I’m going to the via media thing tonight and was asked to bring bread… so, really hope that I have freshly baked bread and not a doughy, charred mess.

And that’s it. Busy day at work, got a lot done. Gotta go.

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2 thoughts on “Rambling Rambling Rambling

  1. Hi Ginny,

    I do the publicity at my church as well and I’m interested in the ‘hanging pouches’. What are they, exactly?

    Mary T

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