Please DON’T Let It Snow!

The weather report this morning was quite firm about it: it would start snowing at around 9am, and it would carry on snowing all day, and winter would continue indefinitely.

Here’s proof: a suitably mysterious yet evocative photo that shows snow, cold outdoor glass sheathing, and ghostly reflections (because it was taken from INSIDE one of the covered walkways, it’s too cold to prance around in the snow taking artsy pix).

And yes, the one cow-orker who insists against all reason, aesthetics or fashion sense on wearing shorts whenever “it’s 50 degrees!” is in her white shorts and Keds today, and I have no idea why, as it’s been cold all day.

We all give her a ration when she shows up in shorts in mid-winter, and usually she stubbornly repeats her thermal mantra (she did this earlier this week when it HAD BEEN fifty degrees in the morning, but then it started raining and the temperature dropped. Technically, it was 50 degrees at some point that day.

But not today.”

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