Recaplet, already??

Holy crap, the recaplet for last night’s episode is already up:

From our old friend LAX, the teams take off for Lima, Peru. There is much talk among some of the other teams of the presence of Rob and Amber, whom I will tell you right now I personally like and don’t care who knows it, and do you know why? Because every time they grin broadly, it chaps the shit out of Lex somewhere in the world.
At any rate, sand-pit digging reveals that there are a few teams who will need to pay a bit more attention to what’s going on in said world, a zip line reveals that some things never change, and llama-roping reveals that those suckers really do spit. In the end, it comes down to a footrace to the mat between a pair of blondes I don’t care for much at all, a former POW and a beauty queen I would like a lot better if they would never discuss those things about themselves ever again, and the team that the room I was in immediately christened Team Yokel, who are by far the most endearing of the three. Of course, it is Yokel that takes a dive, but the shocker is that this still leaves behind a number of teams I anticipate liking. Aside from a couple of teams I haven’t made my mind up about yet (including a team whose entire hook seems to be a string of hard luck, and a couple of “lifelong friends” who may or may not be employing a euphemism there) and one that looks like it’s warming up to be the Bickersons of TAR7, the teams are largely inoffensive. Patrick, you need to stop talking about other people and worry about your own game. Gretchen, you need to…not do that. Overall, though, the casting appears to be far superior to anything in at least the past three seasons, as there is a marked absence of boy-drags-girl dating couples. And did I mention…Boston Rob? For whom I have an unreasonable and largely inexplicable fondness, attributable probably to the accent alone? Did I mention that sometime during the season, he may say “sweet-haht”? And that I look forward in an unseemly fashion to that moment? Yeah, I thought so.

To sum up: This just may be my beautiful show making a comeback. And to sum up further: Bite it, Lex!


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