• Moblog

    Maui Wowee

    February 5, 2005 – Maui And yes, we made it safely to Maui and pretty much went straight to Maui Tacos for some takeout and went across the street to watch the sunset at the park. Most days since then we’ve tried to make time to watch the sunset. And eat. A lot. UPDATE: Chicago We went to Maui Tacos one other time and they were just as good. We also went to a bunch of other new restaurants this time, missed some of our old favorites, and generally ate very, very well. Even the time we ate nothing but…

  • Moblog - Traveling Along, We're Adventurers

    Leavin’ On A Jet Plane

    February 5, 2005 And we’re about to board this bird and take off for Maui nonstop, where we’ll be for two weeks. This entry won’t go “live” until our return, however. UPDATE: Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Blog And so, we’ve returned. I’ve got a boatload of photos to go over and update, including a bunch still in my camera on a very large compact flash card (not as large as David’s card, but big enough for my uses). The flight return was not a simple non-stop, so we had a short layover in Los Angeles last night. Arrived in…

  • Clan: McTiVo

    Amazing Aftermath

    I am somewhat spoiled for the season finale of Amazing Race, but only in a few bare details. Suffice it to say, I am NOT pleased. If what I read is correct, once again my favoritest, most deserving team did not come in first. Dammit. But then 3 out of the 4 remaining teams gave me the willies, so the chances of a completely happy ending were only 25%.

  • Clan: McTiVo


    Due to circumstances entirely voluntary, I was busy the night of the Amazing Race finale, and haven't seen the finish and don't know who won. How the hell did this happen? Well, I planned an event a lot farther in advance than usual, and it conflicted with the finale. It's still on Tivo, but the same circs keep me from watching the show. So I won't be blathering about it until long after it aired, and then the next season (featuring more former Survivors, meh) will begin soon. I'm using David's machine, so it's entirely possible this post will be…

  • Moblog

    Incense for Incantatin’

    Whilst wandering around in a daze I happened across a hippie shop selling “Nag Champa,” an incense used in incantatin’ by snuggs apparently. I ordered that book that Gus has written but it won’t arrive until around April 7 or so. This entry will mystify my sisters, but them’s the breaks.

  • Books

    In Other Words

    It’s an extremely cool little book: In Other Words, by Christopher J. Moore. David bought it for me because he thought I would like it, being addicted to words and also to nicely bound books like this one. It’s a book of nearly-untranslatable but wonderful worlds from languages all over the world, and one of my very favorites is on the front cover: duende [dwen-day][adjective] This wonderful word captures an entire world of passino, energy, and artistic excellence and describes a climactic show of spirit in a performance or work of art. Duende originally meant “imp” or “goblin” and came…

  • Clan: McTiVo

    I’m Who?

    Which Firefly character are you? – Quizilla Hah! David took this quiz, and guess who he turned out to be? You are Captain Malcolm Reynolds, aka. Mal orCaptain Tightpants. You saw most of your mendie in a war you lost and now you seek solitudewith a small crew that you are fiercely devotedto. You have no problems being naked. Which Firefly character are you? brought to you by Quizilla This is so my husband David! And of course, I had to go in and re-cast myself, because the first time, I came out as Book. You are Zoe. While most…

  • Clan: McTiVo

    Augh! TAR! Bolo! No!

    This week’s show opens on a black screen, where plain white text informs you that the episode you are about to see was filmed in Sri Lanka before the December 26 tsunami. And there’s not much to say about that except that making the world a little smaller and more familiar is always a good thing, even when it’s a sad thing. That blackscreen announcement was nicely done, and added a much needed grace note to the proceedings. Yes, it’s another recap by Miss Alli – and this week, don’t miss the Amazing Monkey Edit! Sadly, it’s bye-bye Bolo and…

  • Geek Out!

    Return To Flight: May 12 2005

    BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Countdown to shuttle return flight And it’s about time. High time we got back into the space business and dealt with the challenges rather than just analyzing and memorializing them. We’ve been relying on the Russians to keep the International Space Station supplied, crewed, and (more or less) repaired and it’s time we got back in the game. There’s an air of real purpose, a desire to convince visitors like me that technical problems have been overcome, that the can-do spirit that caught the public imagination back in the Sixties to the moon is alive…

  • Blogs Wot I Read

    And You Thought Your Commute Is Bad

    ginmar has posted a few more pictures noting the last convoy her unit had to take, some details of her last couple of days at her old post in Iraq, and photos of things seen along the way on her unit’s last trip through Baghdad. She’s noted on her LJ that the party when she gets home will be epic in scope. Some of the images are striking; she’s got quite an eye for the telling detail. I especially liked this one, with the rosary caught in mid-swing. I sharpened the lettering slightly to make it clearer. Do not get…