Carter Oosterhouse Fans: Vote!

I ran across the following ad in the local newspaper, the Daily Herald:

Who’s your favorite handy heartthrob on TV?

Good-looking and handy? What a package.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, we are planning a just-for-fun story on carpenters who are also heartthrobs on reality television. We’re not talking beefcake or cheesecake, but looks are a definite part of the toolbox. Check out our nominees and imagine the projects the two of you could get done around the house.

Tell us who is your favorite and why. You can vote for one man and one woman online at through Jan. 30.


Oh, come on now! There are only three nominees each for male and female handyperson, and they don’t have Ty Pennington or that Eric guy from Clean Sweep? At least they have Amy Wynn Pastor, who is hot AND a great carpenter.

Since one of the biggest search terms in my stats is “carter oosterhouse shirtless” I thought as a public service to Carter fans I would pass along the link to this poll so they may vote early and often. And provide a nice photo, though this one come with T-shirt, tool belt, and friendly smile.

Honest, I don’t drool or anything, and unlike some of my cow-orkers who have signed pictures of Ty at there cubes, I don’t make a point of going all gushy for handy hearththrobs. If Carter were to drop by to fix “frozen toilet pipes” or take “pictures of frozen garage” (more search terms) or even patching the drywall around the freezeproof spigot in the garage, I’d love to get a picture of him and my husband scratching their heads and saying they have to go to Menard’s to get screws. Heh.

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