Amazingly OutRaced

I’ve been so busy lately I got out of the habit of checking TWOP for new recaps.

So tonight I’ve got two to catch up on:

Amazing Race » Recaps & Extras » Season 6 Episode 8″ href=””>Television Without Pity » The Amazing Race » Recaps & Extras » Season 6 Episode 8

…in which Adam got in touch with his inner aquarium diver toy, but it was all ultimately a big wash because of lots of mega-bunching and ultimately a non-elimination.

And then we have

Amazing Race » Recaps & Extras » Season 6 Episode 9″ href=””>Television Without Pity » The Amazing Race » Recaps & Extras » Season 6 Episode 9

… in which our long international nightmare finally came to an end on a beautifully woven rug with the Amazing Race logo in Ethiopia.

She gripes most tellingly:

So to sum up, of the six episodes preceding the one you are about to watch, two resulted in eliminations. You want to know why the season is dragging like a Charlie Brown kite? That’s one place to start looking.

In the latter episode, there were several interesting things of note, which I think I already noted, but the best one is Jonathan and Victoria, you are the last team to check in.”

Miss Alli goes on to mention that she’s somewhat disappointed with the direction the show has taken:

Note to show: You fucked up. Don’t fuck up again. It’s not cute. It’s not funny. Stop telling yourselves it’s great TV. It’s MUCH less entertaining than Omarosa. It’s MUCH less entertaining than fucking Fairplay, and he was the biggest and boring-est shitheel in history. You made me no longer look forward to what was my favorite show for three years. I’m not a babe in the woods on this stuff, and I’ve tolerated plenty of assholes without complaint. But abusive husbands, whether verbally or physically or emotionally or all three, no matter how revolting the personalities of their wives, are OFF-LIMITS. ALWAYS. You dig? Good. Now I won’t have to say it YET AGAIN. On with the show; let’s have fun!

Now, from what I’ve read out of all the bits and pieces of news stories lately on the subject of Jonathan Baker and Victoria Fuller (Googlejuice), the CBS honchos were really unprepared for the huge amount of backlash and hatred that was going to be unleashed after this couple “broke” nationwide. A lot of people were calling for them to be disqualified when Jonathan pushed or shoved Victoria, but of course the race had already been finished months before. Then people were disgruntled that there seemed to be no consequences for this bad behavior the next week, and so on.

Then the news articles started surfacing that there were discussions between Race producers and Jonathan, and that he threatened to quit in Berlin or thereabouts. And of course right from the beginning of the season, we’ve been treated to quotes and comments on the couple’s website and in news articles – again, I thought that sort of thing was not allowed until after a team’s elimination or the end of the Race. But there’s been an awful lot of spinning going on nonetheless. But in any case, Jonathan and Victoria have been eliminated, so perhaps the furore will die down

God, I STILL love typing that.

Miss Alli’s been working up to the latter recap for about, well, 9 legs now. I’m going to savor it now instead of (ack!) remembering to take down the Christmas tree until just now. Again.

And tomorrow night, another new episode. I hope last week’s precedent is followed and a mean, sucky team is eliminated – perhaps Adam and Rebecca? Hayden and Aaron? No, Aaron’s funny, though Hayden needs to get up close and personal with about 3 rolls of duct tape. Freddy and Kendra, maybe. Freddy occasionally has flashes of humor or personality or spectacular soup-spewing abilities, but that doesn’t make up for the stuff that comes out of Kendra’s mouth.

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