This Blows

Snow Jan 2005 001.jpg

What a lovely day… well, now it is. The sun is shining. However, last night we got about 5 or 6 inches dumped on us so this morning I had to use the snow blower to get out of the driveway. David couldn’t do it because he had to get out quickly to get to an early meeting, and he’s got all-wheel drive.

But I, in my trusty little Corolla stick, did not have the luxury or the horsepower to plow through the heavy wet snow at the bottom of the drive without firing up the snowblower first. It’s one of those not-very-pleasant chores that feels good only when it’s done. However, well done me for getting that little sucker to start, because it’s well known that our blower is a wimp compared to Steve’s blower.

Which reminds me. Must call Steve.

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2 thoughts on “This Blows

  1. Hey Bug – you need a new car. Your area is noted for the shitty storms that come through…. you need to get at least front wheel drive or something with 4-wheel. We got a nasty storm coming out of CA today… I can’t see across the street!! This sucks. Hawaii is looking better and better…..

  2. Yucky weather. Yuck. At least tomorrow we can try to get the skis out. David’s talking about getting a new car soon, and when I does, I’ll get the RAV4. Which has about 145,000 miles on it, but at the low mileage I drive per week, I can probably get 5 more years out of it. 😉