The Never-Ending Bloga

I’m Grinnin’

icon_biggrin.gif icon_confused.gif icon_cool.gif icon_cry.gif icon_eek.gif icon_evil.gif icon_lol.gif icon_mad.gif icon_razz.gif icon_redface.gif icon_rolleyes.gif icon_sad.gif icon_smile.gif icon_surprised.gif icon_twisted.gif icon_wink.gif

Wow, I managed to implement that smiley project in one swell foop. 8)

😀 ="Very Happy"
🙂 ="Smile"
🙁 ="Sad"
😮 ="Surprised"
😯 ="Shocked"
:confused: ="Confused"
8) ="Cool"
😆 ="Laughing"
😡 ="Mad"
😛 ="Razz"
:blush: ="Embarassed"
😥 ="Crying or Very Sad"
👿 ="Evil or Very Mad"
😈 ="Twisted Evil"
🙄 ="Rolling Eyes"
😉 ="Wink"

Powered by MT Smileys

The instructions for doing it and an accompanying discussion thread are here.

NOTE: There was a typo in the “Powered by” link – be sure to close the tag.