Previously: Well, there are no previouslys, except in the sense that the entire episode is nothing but a string of previouslys, so it’s not clear that anything can be considered to be the previouslys to what happened previously. Look at me, bending time and space. You can thank me later when the pizza that you order on Thursday arrives on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Alli attempts to deal with the time paradox posed by a TAR clip show depicting events that happened months ago, but they’re new to us so we’re all exercised and outaged over assy-brat behavior now. So where’s…
Announcing Innocents: A Blog, a webblog for Holy Innocents Episcopal Church. If you take a look at it, you’ll see that there are static content pages off of the “breadcrumbs” menu, corresponding to pages on the “main” church website. In the next few days, I will gradually be shifting all of the content over from there into Moveable Type (MT). And not using Front Page (MS). Ever again. And yes, I’ve been a-hankering to do this for a while. I’ve decided that the blog part of the site will be integral; categories will be used for blog-like entries for things…