Buda The Little Pest Outta Da Taxi, Finito!

Actually, I do have a life, but the most interesting parts of it do not for blogging excitement make.

However, last night’s TAR episode showed all kinds of karma queued up for our least favorite racing team, Victoria and her sidekick.

Miss Alli pops out the mini-recap in near-record time:

From Checkpoint Charlie to a morning date with bungee destiny, the teams literally get off to a flying start. After that, there is airport maneuvering resulting in the very satisfying foiling of Jonathan, who thinks that haranguing the airport staff is a good way to get the plane to come back for you. In Hungary, the teams experiment with tiny, unfriendly little cars, and then wind up at a castle where they have to choose between cannons and catapults. And no, Victoria, you may not use both, if you know what I mean, which I’m quite confident that you do. Lori and Bolo experience problems, and then more problems, and ultimately wind up missing the last train of the day, apparently putting them completely out of contention for the leg and guaranteeing their imminent Philimination. But then…”To Be Continued.” Yeah, we don’t know. Along the line, one of the great recap prophecies is fulfilled as a contestant is finally thrown out of a cab for bad behavior, and other contestants begin to let their frustration with Jonathan and Victoria out of the bag. Well, at least that’s good news.

And yes, that was Jonathan and Victoria getting booted out of the taxi by his multi-lingual driver, who waved his hands in disgust and hollered “Finito!” to indicate that he was done with them messing up his nice taxi with their presence.

There was a schedule change last night for the episode, but fortunately TiVo picked up on it. We were planning on being out, but ended up staying in owing to various issues of traffic and the lack of a time machine. So I ended up watching the episode earlier than planned, which ended with a first-time-ever “To Be Continued,” complete with a scary-movie music cue indicating “Doom, Interrupted.”

Lori and Bolo, when last seen, were re-enacting everybody’s favorite Scared Big-Eyed Kitties In the Rain painting, trying to sleep on two park benches pulled together while lightning flashed ominously. Everyone else was at an Internet cafe where they were supposed to log on to AOL (WTF? RUKM?) to get their next clue. The cafe is open from 10:00pm to 10:00am, a fake opening hours bunching strategery if ever we saw one. And, the fact that they bothered to make it open all night long and late into the morning is probably significant, since the producers no doubt expected at least one team to miss the last train back to Budapest from the citadel in Eger, where the cannonbal/catapult task was done.

Actually, it was a trebuchet task, but I digress.

Online fandom speculates that it’s possible this is a non-elimination leg, or possibly one of the rumored “uber-legs” where there are two Roadblocks, two Detours, and no pit stop elimination in between. They were given a lot of money – $408.00 in US funds – for just having to get by air to Budapest, train and taxi around to Eger and back to the capital for a supposed Pit Stop. Remember, air is paid for on special credit cards.

Or it may be that the next new episode (next week’s is a clip show/extra footage one) will show all the Pit Stop arrivals at the beginning, an Elimination, then a bunch of Pit Stop departures, truncated Detours and Roadblocks, and then a bunch more Pit Stop arrivals.

Which, when you think of it, sounds SO horrible and boring, that I bet that the “Uber-Leg” theory with no mid-leg Pit Stop is the right one.

At least, I hope so, because Lori and Bolo add value (who doesn’t love wacky wrasslers who look good with their shirts off) and can be counted on to bring the unpredictabilty factor, as shown by their dependence on the navigational aid otherwise known as “random strangers in shops and on the street.”

The clue stipulated that teams had to return to Buda (or is it Pest?) by train, so taking a taxi or driving the horrible little Trabi back to town is out of the question. Poor them, I hope there’s not a moment where someone walks up to them in the middle of the night and says “You’re eliminated, why don’t you go to the hotel over there for the night.”

Brandenberg Gate-gate

Guest recapper and Velcrometer blogger M. Giant does the honors for last week’s Ile de Goree-Berlin leg on The Amazing Race:

In a leg that takes the teams to Berlin (the German city, not the ’80s New Wave band), Kendra and Jonathan indulge in some gasp-inducingly poor behavior. Don and MJ must beg, steal, or borrow cash for the leg. Kris and Jon are confused by the metro. Jonathan has a brief masquerade as a bearable human being, but his treatment of Victoria when they come in second nearly causes Phil to have no more words. And Don and MJ breathe their last as Amazing Racers.

The hotly anticipated recap goes up on an episode that has quickly become notorious. Did he shove her, or her pack? The consensus seems to be “A shove is a shove.” The jury is still out, fan-forum-wise, on whether or not CBS should have issued a PSA warning of inappropriate violence against women, or if there should have been a penalty meted out after everyone checked in. As no one is expert in German domestic battery laws, or even if there is such a concept, everyone is just continuing to hash the issue over.

The recap is excellent, even taking time to crack a fine Snausages jest:

Cut to a few moments later, when Jonathan is yelling at Hornio. The episode title proper is not actually uttered, but it’s the gist of Jonathan’s message. Victoria tries to back him up, and he thanks her for her support by interrupting his tirade, whirling on her, snapping, “No, no!” and shooing her away. Prick. I bet he’s stingy with the Snausages, too.

No, he slathers them all over himself to get his dogs to lick him ecstatically in the credit sequence. However, he won’t have to do that now that he’s got essence of extruded bratwurst clinging to him.

The upshot of all the fan discussion at TWOP of this episode? It will forever be known in the history of this show as “Brandenberg Gate-gate,” and everyone is very depressed at the futility of calling it anything else.

Ugh – Thomas Covenant Movies

Thomas Covenant Books In Film Deal

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

I don’t care that Covenant’s character was unique (so far as I know; it’s a long time since I read a lot of fantasy novels) for his unbelief in the world he found himself in. I don’t care that he was a modern-day leper who found himself miraculously cured of his ailment soon after waking up in The Land, forgiven for his many and continuing transgressions by the inhabitants of the fantasy world that he refused to believe was real, and worshiped for his ability to defeat the Big Bad Evil Overlord.

I don’t care, because the lynchpin event for the whole series is a rape. A disgusting, ugly, impersonal rape. And of course this sets all sorts of seen and unforeseen circumstances in motion, like a pebble starting an avalanche.

I hated the character as I continued to read the books, simply to find out if he’d get over his stubborn refusal to believe in the world he found himself in, and I hated him even as he moped and felt guilty about the rape and was forgiven for it.

I also hated Donaldson’s sledgehammer prose, his clumsy attempts to be poetic, and most of all the repetetive use of the word “incarnadine” to describe all the bad stuff Lord Foul does to the moon, the Land, and fluffy little bunnies.

Fortunately, a kind soul wrote a short “Thomas Covenant the Tank Engine” parody to make me feel better.

For the love of God, good books generally and fantasy epics in particular, please don’t make a movie out of these loathesomely pretentious literary simulacra.

Hey Jill, More On Ben

SCI FI Channel confirmed that Farscape star Ben Browder will join the cast of SCI FI’s original series Stargate. Browder will join the cast in the show’s upcoming ninth season; no information on Browder’s role was available. Meanwhile, the show’s producer, MGM, is still working on a deal to bring back Stargate star Richard Dean Anderson (Gen. O’Neill) in some capacity.

Oh, this could be good. Oh, very good. Can’t wait to see sparks fly between Carter and the new guy. I expect fanfic writers will be looking for different sparks than I am, but it’s all good, eh?


Ow. For some reason my neck really hurts today. Probably too much time spent unched over, reading webpages. Also, it starts hurting if I try to use my cell phone for a lot of texting, wich is not good because it locked up and had to be swapped out for a new one. Thank goodness for warrantees; but unthank badness for not being able to pull all my phone numbers and snippets of quick text over from old to new.

I’ve been working on vacation stuff at last. Should have booked the accomodations back in February when I yapped about it, but my vacation time doesn’t get approved until mid-December, so I didn’t feel comfortable blocking space and paying deposits on dates that might not get the okay.

I went to choir practice last night – not so many of us, but we did manage to put in some practice time. Christmas Eve will be pretty, I hope. We’ll see.

I’m off work next week – yay! – so I can get stuff done. Typically I don’t decorate until late in the game, unlike some people I could name in the family. Partly it’s to not subject David to too much unwanted Xmess kitsch, partly it’s lack of motivation until forced to decorate by the the prospect of imminent guests, partly I just don’t want to look at it until I’m good and ready. And I will be… next week.

UPDATE: December 16

Joy. The chocolate order was mostly there and has now been distributed. A few people ended up with gift certificates, but fortunately the one person I was concerned would blow a gasket got a complete order.

More joy. New phone system at work next week. I’ll have to get used to pushing a button DURING a call to prevent a new incoming call immediately after ending a current one. That’s going to be lots of fun.

Most joy of all. It’s cold and likely to get much colder. Marvy.

Chain Of Fools

I missed doing a snarklist last week, so here’s this week’s remarks, hot off the airwaves. As before, the team member in bold did the Roadblock. However, I’ll be saving most of my snark for one team (as you might suspect).

  1. Kris/Jon
  2. Jonathan/Victoria
  3. Lori/Bolo
  4. Hayden/Aaron
  5. Freddy/Kendra
  6. Adam/Rebecca
  7. Gus/Hera
  8. Don/Mary Jean

Right. There’s the list, and here’s my two cents’ worth…
Continue reading

The Nanny And The Security Czar

“I uncovered information that now leads me to question the immigration status of a person who had been in my employ as a housekeeper and nanny,” Mr Kerik said in a statement.

“It has also been brought to my attention that for a period of time, during such employment, required tax payments and related filings had not been made.”

Masterful use of the passive voice and other linguistic tricks to distance yourself from the issue there, Mr. Kerik. By the way, has anyone ever counted how many nominees of either party have scuppered themselves by employing illegal immigrants and paying them under the table? It seems so Seventies-retro, somehow.

Questions were also raised concerning his very lucrative connections with the company that manufactures Taser stun-guns, but this seems like a much softer “out.”