“I uncovered information that now leads me to question the immigration status of a person who had been in my employ as a housekeeper and nanny,” Mr Kerik said in a statement. “It has also been brought to my attention that for a period of time, during such employment, required tax payments and related filings had not been made.” Masterful use of the passive voice and other linguistic tricks to distance yourself from the issue there, Mr. Kerik. By the way, has anyone ever counted how many nominees of either party have scuppered themselves by employing illegal immigrants and paying…
It was cold the other night, we built a fire. Note to self: the damper is open if the handle is pointing TOWARD the window.
Originally found at Learning Moveable Type, revisited via ***DDtB: Portrait Illustration Maker – Let’s make an original icon!! I actually find this “self-image” slightly disturbing, so I added the headset and optional cat to make it less so. It must be the “uncanny valley” thing people were talking about when comparing photo-realist “The Polar Express” to shiny-fantastic “The Incredibles.” As previously mentioned around here somewhere, it’s possible to set a gravatar that shows up when you comment on blogs that have enabled this feature. Choosing the “face” shown on the Internets is tricky – should one go with reality, or…