Can’t Cut It In Calcutta

Racing ineptitude abounds as lost bags, new taxi arguments, and misread clues send the teams on a remarkably sloppy trip through India.

Ah, India.

Can Colin find a more intense way to make a brick? Can a Twinkie make a brick at all? Will Linda be this week’s arrested contestant? Will Nicole stop into a mosque for a latte? Will the locals hurt themselves pushing taxis for teams who don’t even want to help? And most of all, will Brandon shave his head for his half of a million dollars? The answers to these and other questions in this week’s strange, confusing, ultimately non-elimination leg.

Ah, another week in the Blue Lagoon. Surprisingly enough, it’s a bit of a relief.

GodModels Brandon and Nicole passed on the Fast Forward task, which would have required them to shave their heads in a traditional Hindu ritual (repentance? humility? renunciation?). Thus, they put themselves in the position of either “go Ghandi” or go “bye-bye.” And they balked, returned to the task and completed the rest of the mud-brick Roadblock, and squeaked in on a non-elimination. And now they’re penniless in India. Sucks to be them, eh?

chipnkim.jpgChip and Kim passed on it, thinking someone ahead of them had already gone for it. They should have taken their shot when they had a chance – after all, they had a 50% time advantage going in.

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